S3 Ep 8 — Getting The Real Tea with Dr. Tanya Love & Teairra K-Blanco
Upbeat, catchy intro music plays as the camera zooms in on a chic, modern set. Draya sits confidently in a plush chair with a playful smile.
Draya: Welcome back to the season finale of Getting The Real Tea! Today, we’re going out with a bang as we sit down with two fabulous stars from Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji! Get ready for some unfiltered and unapologetic moments, because we’ve got Tanya and Teairra, who always knew how to turn up the heat. These two brought the drama, the laughs, and plenty of shade to Fiji, and today, they’re here to spill the tea on everything!
The live audience’s applause is captured by the cameras before returning to Draya
Draya: Alright, ladies, Tanya and Teairra — How are you both doing today? We’re so excited to have you on the season finale! How are you feeling about being here, ready to spill all the tea from Fiji?
The camera captures Dr. Tanya Love and Teairra K-Blanco strutting into the studio
Tanya: I’m doing great, Draya! Thanks so much for inviting us! I’m excited to spill the tea with my girl, T!
Teairra: Hey Draya! I’m doing amazing, and I’m glad to be here! And you already know I’m more than ready to be shady as I always am and smack some bitches around with my words because there’s been a lot of chaos about us. *Points to Tanya, and I* the girls are super mad because we brought the drama. *laughs*
Draya: Ladies, for the past 4 weeks, we have seen you on Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji. How was the experience?
Tanya: I thought it was a lot of fun! It was my first show back on reality TV after a long hiatus, and I really enjoyed going back in with a group of girls that I didn’t know, so honestly, I didn’t care if they liked me or not. I just was my authentic shady ass self! *laughs*
Teairra: The experience was really fun. For me, I liked ruffling feathers and just stirring the pot because whats a girls trip without a little drama? *laughs* Even if it got a little hectic, all in all, I had a great time.
Tanya: Yasss girl! You and I always know how to stir that pot! *laughs*
Draya: Teairra, you built a solid friendship with Tanya during the trip. What is it about her that made you two click?
Teairra: I think Tanya and I clicked so well because, as she said, we know how to stir the pot, and she reminds me of me — unfiltered, not boring, and she knows how to handle her own no matter how many girls are on her! I think that’s good character traits to have; I love her!
Tanya: *blows kiss at Teairra* Love ya, T!
Draya: I think no one was expecting you two and Clara to be the MVPs of the season. Looking back at the Fiji trip, what would you say was your most memorable moment, good or bad?
Tanya: The most memorable moment for me honestly was the ziplining. I thought it was so much fun, and honestly, it was comedy gold! *laughs* I love all the drama and shade, but the funny moments take the cake for me.
Teairra: Yikes! A memorable moment for me was definitely the yacht ride I had with Billie and Yvonne! We had a good time and also got to have little girly moments. Even though Billie is upset with me at the moment, I wouldn’t take that away from my experience.
Tanya: Oh lord…Any moment that Billie the old bitch was apart of, I honestly couldn’t care less to remember. She just rubs me the wrong way. Sorry, T.
Draya: Let’s talk about Billie. Tanya, you and Billie have had quite a bit of back-and-forth on social media. She’s called you boring, told Clara to ‘take care of you,’ and even questioned your place on Basketball Wives because of your career as a psychiatrist. How do you respond to all of that?
Tanya: I think she’s trying to save her place on reality TV, and she’s threatened by the new young girls on the scene. She can call me boring and question whatever she wants, but it’s not going to change the fact that she’s a miserable old hag with the same tired haircut. *shrugs shoulders* Sorry, but it’s the truth! And if she wants to come for my place on Basketball Wives as well as my career in medicine, I’d like to know what SHE has done. To be quite honest, I have no idea what her career is. I don’t know anything about her, and I don’t really care to. I’m a practicing board-certified psychiatrist, and I love my career.
The crowd ooohs
Draya: Oof the shady hunni. *looks at Teairra* Teairra, Tre Spice live-tweeted asking if you ever told Billie how you truly feel about her, and you responded that you did. However, Billie later said you never had that conversation. Were you lying, just trying to avoid conflict, or do you think Billie is upset because of your close friendship with Tanya?
Teairra: I honestly don’t know what it is with Billie. I literally have told her on multiple occasions, even on our own show, Ladies of Twitter, the exact same thing. I don’t know why she’s trying to make it seem like I’m making it up. *laughs* Like everyone has said similar things about Billie. I don’t know if she’s jealous of Tanya and me being friends, but Tanya had my back on that trip more than Billie, and she called me her “lot sister.” *does air quotes* It’s just.. ugh, I don’t know with her, but i mean, if she’s mad about that, it was months ago, and she knows that.
Draya: Jac from Reality of Roleplay mentioned she wished she had seen more of this ‘Teairra’ and felt like you really came out of your shell on RHUGT: Fiji. She also noted that you’re much quieter on Ladies of Twitter. What’s your take on that?
Teairra: I think just a bird I don’t know is chirping, because Jac doesn’t know me enough at all for her to even talk about my character. I’ve always been the same teairra anywhere I go. Why would I have to tuck my tail and be “quiet” on ladies of Twitter like I’m scared? *laughs* It’s a joke to me.
Draya: Tanya, you know Jac from Basketball Wives Twitter; do you agree with her? Do you think Teairra was different on RHUGT: Fiji?
Tanya: I loooove me some Jac! She was a lot of fun on BBWT and brought a whole new energy to our group. Ummm, if I have to be honest…I haven’t watched “Ladies of Twitter” in a very long time. However, I LOVED Teairra on RHUGT, so however she was on our trip, she should be everywhere because she’s a super amazing and super fun girl!
Draya: Question for both. Do you think Billie is acting different on social media because of all the hate you two are getting?
Tanya: The hate we’re getting? The only hate I see is from her or Clara’s minions, to be honest..
Draya looks at Teairra
Teairra: *nods* Literally, but honestly, it seems that Billie is just picking sides as always and supporting whoever is against who shes “beefing” with at the moment. I saw her retweeting the shady tweets and took a note in my head that she was moving weird and moved on.
Draya: How are your relationships with the other ladies now? Have you kept in touch with anyone?
Tanya: No, I don’t keep in touch with the other ladies because, honestly, I didn’t know them. I love T and I miss Alexis, so those are the only two that I would like to keep in my life. The rest…aren’t memorable, and they’re honestly just rude old bitches.
Draya looks at Teairra
Teairra: I don’t really keep in contact with any of the ladies either, maybe besides Tanya. It was also Billie, but she’s been more than upset about what I said about her, and I’m at the age where I don’t give a fuck! Either you’re with me or against me; at the end of the day, I’m not chasing after you.
Draya: Let’s get into Clara. Both of you have had quite a bit of back-and-forth with her on social media, and things have really heated up between you three. From the shadethrowing to the insults, it’s clear there’s some unresolved tension. What’s the real story behind all the drama with Clara? And after everything that’s been said, do you think there’s any chance of reconciliation, or is that relationship permanently fractured?
Tanya: I just think Clara is a cold-hearted bitch. I don’t know her, and I don’t know much about her, but she always just seems…very angry. I didn’t like her energy from the moment I met her. I guess we could reconcile if she apologized, because it’s not like I have deep rooted issues with her. Like I said, I don’t even know her!
Draya: Wait, why do you think she’s a cold-hearted bitch?
Teairra: I think at this point it’s nothing to me. I never knew the bitch before the girls trip, and I don’t know her now. She’s very dull and wacky to me, and after she sent her hit dogs to attack Tanya, and I… she’s just a weirdo and exactly what Tanya said — a cold-hearted bitch!
Tanya: The things she says just come off like she is miserable and wants other people to be miserable around her. And she gets her minions to try and harass us on social media, which honestly I couldn’t care less what they say. I don’t know them, and they’re probably her on a million different fake accounts.
Teairra: *nods* That girl is a nut case, and she obviously felt like she lost against us, so she had to recruit an army to come for us on social media for days while still acting like she “doesn’t care,” like girl, you care… We’re the reason you even had relevance on the trip. Let’s get real.
Draya: Clara is the producer of several shows on her own network, E! RealiTea, and throughout this episode, you both have mentioned that she’s sent many of her ‘minions and lapdogs’ after you on social media. Do you really think she’s resorted to that?
Tanya: I think it’s her way of controlling the narrative. Obviously, if she’s a producer, then she’s used to running the show, and she’s mad she wasn’t running the show on RHUGT.
Draya: What do you think, Teairra?
Teairra: I definitely also think she’s trying to control the narrative; a real producer, however, would never think it’s okay to send her lapdogs to attack girls. She would know how to at least handle her own shit. I think she thinks she’s better than us or something, and that’s far from the truth.
Draya: I think Clara was one of the stars from RHUGT:Fiji…Can we agree on that and give her flowers? or not?
Tanya: Sure! Let’s give Clara a round of applause. *starts clapping* She was a good person to spar with. *laughs*
Draya: Do you think so, Teairra?
Teairra: I’ll give her a single flower! We created a star; it took every arm and leg for her to start working though. *claps for Clara* I mean, she doesn’t really have a personality. She seemed miserable on the show. I was shocked. She even showed more emotion.
Tanya: *laughs* All true and valid points!
Draya: Alright, ladies, it’s time for a little game we like to call Sip or Spill! Here’s how it works: I’m going to ask you some juicy questions. If you’d rather keep things private, you take a sip. But if you’re ready to spill the tea, you’ve got to give us the full answer!
Big Booty Kasey comes out with a bottle of Tequila, handing shots to Teairra and Tanya
Draya: Are you ready to sip or spill?
Tanya: *laughs* I’m ready!
Teairra: I’m ready!
Draya: Ladies, Kenya Anderson-Jones from LHOD said you two were weird and corny! What are your thoughts?
Tanya: Who is she, and why is she so obsessed with us?
Teairra: Literally who? I don’t care how a stranger feels about me. Is she on Clara’s payroll too?
Draya: Taraji Rita Washington said that Teairra should go “over there” so they can teach you “wassup.” Thoughts on this? Do you ladies know her?
Teairra: Is that a threat? *acts fake scared* I’m not worried about that girl, but she’s obviously worried and mad enough to try and imply she’ll put her hands on me, but I don’t know her… Just another fan barking at me. *laughs* She can see her way back to the slums.
Draya: Out of all the following ladies on RHUGT: Fiji, who do you think flopped the most? Yvonne, Victoria, Belen, and Alexis.
Tanya: Victoria! For sure! She left early, and I forgot she was there!
Teairra: Victoria was definitely the other girls I actually talked to.
Draya: What about Yvonne? She has barely promoted the show, and she’s an icon from RHOBB.
Tanya: Yvonne at least spoke! Victoria sat there & then left early when she didn’t wanna film anymore.
Teairra: Me and Yvonne are on good terms; I think she at least brought something with her personality.
Draya: Tanya. Let’s talk about BBWT. You said on the show that Ana wanted to eat you out; you and I had some words on social media; were you lying for the show and content, or did it actually happen?
Tanya: Draya, you know I love you. But please don’t get mad at me for what I’m about to say. Her and I have joked about it before. Did I think she was serious? No! I know she likes Dick. But have we talked about it before to joke around? Yes
Draya: Are you and her good?
Tanya: Ana and I? No, we’re not. We haven’t spoken.I mean, we’ve spoken on social media and in group chats, but not really outside of that.
Draya: Interesting. Teairra. The newest LOT season has wrapped filming. What can we expect? Did you and Billie get along?
Teairra: Well…We got along at the end of it, but as always, her and I are always going to bump heads at least once. *laughs* Thats all I can say about that.
Draya: Okay ladies! To wrap this up…What’s one thing you wish people understood better about you after watching RHUGT: Fiji?
Teairra: I wish people understood that I will always say what’s on my chest, whether it’s negative or positive, and if they think I’m a so-called “bully,” I’ll be that! But it’s also really a good time when you’re on my good side, but they also need to understand this is a show. People are here for entertainment, not for a snoozefest.
Tanya: I wish they understood that I wasn’t on the show just to get back on TV. I was approached to do this show and BBWT at around the same time. BBWT actually reached out first. I wasn’t desperate to do this show, and I feel that I helped make the season amazing along with T here.
Draya: That’s a wrap for today and for this season of Getting The Real Tea! A huge thank you to our amazing guests, Teairra and Tanya, for bringing the heat and spilling all the tea. And of course, a big thank you to all of our fans for tuning in every Wednesday and riding this wild journey with us. Thank you to all the girls who came on the show and threw shade. We couldn’t have done it without your love and support! Stay tuned, and until next time, keep sipping that tea!
The cameras zoom out of the Getting The Real Tea studio as the episode comes to a close