S3 Ep 7 — Getting The Real Tea with Bre’Symone Childs & Ana Lillard

Getting The Real Tea
13 min readSep 11, 2024


Draya Parks, ‘Getting The Real Tea’s Host’

Camera cuts to sitting in a stylish studio set as she looks at the camera

Draya: Welcome to Getting The Real Tea, where we serve up the hottest gossip with a touch of shade! Today, we’re spilling it all with not just one but two fierce queens of Basketball Wives Twitter! First up, the ultimate clapback queen, Ana Lillard, known for keeping it real and never holding back. And joining her is the always unfiltered Bre Symone, who’s got the tea hotter than ever. Get ready for the juiciest takes, the shadiest moments, and all the behind-the-scenes drama you crave — because nothing is off limits here!

The live audience cheers with excitement

Draya: Before we dive into the tea, ladies, how are you both doing today? Ana, Bre — what’s the vibe like? Are we feeling shady, spicy, or just ready to spill it all?

The camera cuts to Bre’Symone and Ana joining Draya on the ‘Getting The Real Tea’ set

Bre’Symone Childs, a cast member on Basketball Wives: Twitter

Bre’Symone: *laughs* I’m happy to be here, Draya. I’m trying to keep it cute tonight, but you know me. I can be spicy from time to time. *looks at Ana*

Draya: *looks at Ana and laughs* Oof girl. I know you’re one firecracker.

Ana Lillard, a cast member on Basketball Wives: Twitter

Ana: Honey, I’m feeling a little bit of all Chile; she is always ready.

Draya: Alright, ladies, let’s talk about this season. Last season felt like a soap opera, while this season is airing as much as a soap opera. What’s it been like watching everything unfold, and how do you feel about how things have played out?

Bre’Symone: It’s been disappointing seeing these ladies come for me as a mother. *shakes head* It isn’t cool at all, but I’m happy I was able to mend fences with my daughter. That’s all that matters to me at the end of the day.

Ana: It was very hard. I was in a bad space in my life, and everyone attacked me and bullied me the whole time. These girls like to play the victim, but I’m the real victim in all situations. *flips bob*

Bre’Symone: *laughs* Right. *side eyes and looks at Draya*

Ana: Yes, honey, I’m always right. *giggles*

Draya: Ana, you and Tanya started the season on a good note, but things went south pretty quickly. Watching it all unfold, how did that feel for you? Did you expect the fallout to happen, or did it catch you by surprise?

Bre’Symone: The delusions are starting early, Draya!

Ana: Bre honey let us talk..I did expect it because it was a one-sided friendship. I always defended her, but she never really defended me. That’s sad.

Bre’Symone: Tanya didn’t really do anything to Ana, though.

Ana: She honestly did. She sided against me miss Symone.

Bre’Symone: Shhh, Ana, you and that blonde bob need to calm down; it’s still early.

Draya: On the other hand, Bre, we saw you start the season on a rocky foot with Tanya, but now you two are friends. How do you feel about your bond with her, especially after hearing Ana say she felt their friendship was one-sided? Do you see things differently?

Bre’Symone: Yes, you know Tanya and I started in a terrible place, but we squashed it about halfway through and moved forward and grew a friendship. I knew it was genuine when the season aired, and neither of us ever shaded each other on social media. It’s unfortunate Ana fell out with Tanya due to Tanya becoming friends with me.

Ana: Are you guys besties now?

The camera captures Draya looking between Ana and Bre’Symone

Bre’Symone: Tanya and I are friends!

Ana: Great!

Draya: Ana, you got into a social media argument with Tanya; in one of the tweets, she says you tried to make her “flood like a river,” then Bre replied to that tweet by saying, “Freak hoe!” How did that make you feel?

Ana: That was so disgusting of that bad body bitch! I can’t believe she did that. I would never even look her way. *Swings bob back and forth.* I mean, look at me, then look at her. The “Freak Hoe” comment did hurt my feelings because Bre and I have known each other for a while, and you know I would never! I’m disappointed!

Draya: Do you believe she tried to make Tanya wet, Bre? *looks at Bre*

Bre’Symone: *laughs* I don’t think Tanya actually was being serious with the whole tweet thing, and I was just being messy and having a laugh since at that point Ana and I were in hell with each other. I don’t think Ana is a freak hoe, a whore, and let me just also say I don’t think she eats men’s ass.

Ana: Oh my god! That’s so grown of you. Two points for you on my board

Draya: Now talking about eating your man’s ass — Bridget has been hesitant that he’s gay, among other things. What’s going on there?

Ana: That lady is so irrelevant and ignorant. I’m sorry I’m not talking about her and her temporal fade.

Bre’Symone: Now wait a minute, Ana. Don’t do that. I don’t want to spoil the reunion, but maybe you should try that again.

Draya: Oh? *looks*

Ana: Try what? I’m confused. What do you mean? *leans over to Bre*

Draya: Did your man come out?

Ana: Stay tuned!

Draya: While we’re on the topic; How is your relationship going with Kendall? Any updates there other than that?

Bre’Symone: Try answering the question again. *laughs* You didn’t have to do Bridget dirty like that!

Ana: Me and Kendall are amazing — better than ever. Bre, can we go on any double dates soon?

Bre’Symone: *laughs* We may have to do that!

Draya: Progress! Ana….Do you see yourself having any kids in the future?

Ana: I want some. Maybe adoption, who knows. Whatever is going to make me happy.

Draya: I can totally see you being an amazing mom! Bre, while we’re discussing kids, I have to ask — you mentioned it’s been disappointing seeing these ladies come for you as a mother. *shakes head* How did that feel, seeing things get so personal? And tell us more about mending fences with your daughter. How did that play out for you during all the drama?

Bre’Symone: It hurt a lot, ya know especially because this show is why my daughter Khadijah and I fell out in the first place. I’ve been trying to mend fences with her since season 6 aired and her feelings were hurt due to me never mentioning her back then. It just made things surface to where she felt I wasn’t always there for her. *sheds a tear* but ya know I’m not perfect but we are working on us day by day and we talk daily and things are good with us now. We are in family therapy together.

Draya: Ana, *hands Bre a Kleenex* at the beginning of the season, we saw you dealing with the aftermath of your DUI, and you showed a lot of remorse, but as we know, some actions just can’t be undone. Given everything, do you think you were in the right position to judge Bre’s relationship with her daughter and her approach to motherhood?

Ana: If you watch the season Bre started it.. she called me all kinds of drunk b*tches. She called me everything but a child of God. I had to retaliate and let her know she can’t talk about me when her household is fucked up. Was I wrong? Absolutely! Two wrongs never make a right. I have apologized multiple times. There is nothing more I can do.

Draya: Bre, how do you feel about her response?

Bre’Symone: Look, I don’t remember her apologizing, and that’s that. I appreciate her admitting she was wrong for what she said. I’ve moved on from all of that, and what’s most important is that my baby is back in my life.

Ana: I most definitely did apologize but she’s getting older maybe she’s forgetting fast *shrugs*

Bre’Symone: I’ll need you to show me that footage after this because I don’t recall, babe. *laughs*

Ana: I most definitely will babe!

Draya: *looks then reads card* Bre, in your confessional, you opened up about having your daughter Khadijah when you were just 14 and how that impacted your relationship, especially after she came back to live with you at 16. You mentioned feeling like she sometimes treats you more like a stepsister than a mother. How has that dynamic affected you emotionally, and do you feel like you two have made progress in rebuilding your bond?

Ana: 14? Oh my *mumbles*

Bre’Symone: *nods* It’s tough, man. I had her really young, and her father has obviously never been in the picture, and that’s a whole other story. My mama wanted me to prioritize my education, and she kept Khadijah with her while I went to college and started my career in Los Angeles. I hate she feels abandoned because I did all this for her. I grinded and worked my way up to where I am now as one of the top NBA agents in America, all for her.

Ana: *Claps* Now that’s amazing.

Draya: I really love how you two are working on your relationship. Also, congrats to Khadijah for coming out as bisexual! *audience claps* We know you’re doing your best, Bre!

Ana: Oh, she is joining Eva and Tanya.

Draya: Ana, Nevaeh, which I don’t know why she’s back, mentioned in her confessional that Ana’s man was going in on Bridget during the event, and she felt that it was out of line for a grown man to argue with another woman. Ana, what’s your take on that situation? Do you think your man crossed a line?

Bre’Symone: I don’t know why she’s back either. I’m honestly tired of production bringing random strays around or constantly mentioning jokes of the past.

Ana: He didn’t cross any line; he asked someone to leave who was calling a scene at my event. The girls overreacted.

Draya: Bre — How do you feel about the rest of the ladies giving Ana a hard time throughout this season? Do you think Ana is trouble? Or the other girls are overreacting?

Bre’Symone: *laughs* I think Ana likes to be in as much mess as possible to be seen. She loves the spotlight and she knows she does.

Ana: Draya, didn’t you watch the show? You saw these women start with me! Name a feud I started. Name it, Bre *taps her shoulder*

Draya: I did feel like at the beginning there were too many people, starting with Ana. I think production was giving her a bad edit.

Bre’Symone: Well, we had moved on early on from your drunk driving incident and apologized, but you kept on picking at me before all hell went loose with us. I also think you picked your fight with Tanya as well. I didn’t watch last season, so I don’t know your beef with Eva Marions

Ana: Thank you, Draya!! And Eva started with me last season and Tanya isn’t a friend. She watched you sneak me..NEXT!

Draya: Alright, ladies, it’s time for a little fun! We’re about to play Sip or Spill. Here’s how it works: I’ll ask you some juicy questions, and you’ll have two options — either spill the tea and give us all the details, or take a sip of your drink and keep it to yourself. I know y’all are shady, so don’t disappoint me!.

Ana: Oh, Chileee, don’t get me in any more trouble.

Big Booty Kasey comes in while Thot Shit by Megan Thee Stallion plays in the background

Draya: Okay, first question. How do you all feel about Jac Carter leaving Beverly Beach behind and flying all the way to Sydney, Australia, just to film with the Basketball Wives Twitter cast? That’s a long flight, Chile.

Ana: I mean, she’s thirsty. She would do anything to be seen. I hope they paid her the amount she deserves, which is nothing. Eva is also known for bringing these weird white women around. *rolls eyes* She uses them like props.

Bre’Symone: *laughs* I was very confused by that. While I thought Jac was lovely during her time in Sydney, it was nonsensical as she very clearly had no connection to the show and was just another random being asked to come on as if production had no faith in the rest of our cast to be entertaining. *sips cocktail* All my lines were cut from the episodes where I was confused why she kept popping up after her initial cameo. I thought she said she was on a family vacation?

Ana: She was with us more than her actual family. I mean, she stayed at the house with us. *laughs* We were all wondering why this bitch is here.

Draya: I was confused too. I mean, congrats to her filming for the rest of the show, but it’s clear production told editors to cut those lines, Bre. Do you all think Eva brought Jac along for clout? Because honestly, I’ve never seen any real connection between them. What do you think — is this just a move for attention or something else going on?

Bre’Symone: *laughs* I will sip my cocktail.

Draya: Oof! *laughs*

Ana: I think they both needed each other. Nobody cares for either one of them. They both are overrated, in my opinion. Oh no, honey…Don’t sip!

Bre’Symone: Okay let me say this! It’s no secret Eva didn’t have a storyline this season. I mean, she’s admitted that I think since her wife won’t film the show for whatever reason, maybe Jac was brought on to be a storyline since the other girls she tried to bring on, Allergen and Gretchen Wiener, never followed through to film.

Draya: I have it on good word. Eva is out for next season. Do you think that Eva brings people around so she can use them as storylines, like the people just mentioned. I also heard that she didn’t want certain individuals to join the show.

Ana: I 100% believe that she brings people around to make her more relevant and to kind of make her feel like she’s above everyone else. I mean, Eva is trying to turn BBWT into the Marion family spinoff. Girl, we are tired of those crazy people. *laughs* I’m sure Bre agrees with that one. *looks at Bre*

Bre’Symone: *shrugs* I am not sure. Apparently she knows some of the people who are filming test scenes too. She also apparently knows some of the cast members on the Bel Air Housewives I see her interacting with from time to time, so I think she just knows a lot of people? I just wish we could have gotten to see what was actually going on in her real life, but I get it’s hard when your wife won’t film the show and moves to another country alone.

Draya: I talk to Penelope and I don’t think they speak anymore. Trouble in paradise?

Ana: Oh wow…That’s not shocking.

Bre’Symone: *gasps* Eva hasn’t shared that with us. In her announcement that she was leaving the show, she mentioned moving to be with her wife, Penelope…

Ana: Is she being honest? I mean, if she’s lying, that’s not a first.

Draya: Maybe they reconciled. I don’t know. I don’t live in their household. I think Penelope is happier since leaving the show; she’s currently in London, and I don’t think Eva is there with her. Who knows?

Bre’Symone: I thought another country — whew, this is tea. I’m going to have to text Eva! Aren’t we playing a game? *laughs*

Draya: Let’s talk about Tamir, who’s suddenly the talk of the town, for the first time ever. The fans are confused — she’s getting thousands of likes, but her followers don’t exactly match up. Spill the tea: Is she using her paycheck to buy likes, or what’s really going on here?”

Bre’Symone: She definitely bought likes and I know Ana believes the same thing about her big booty friend. *laughs*

Ana: *Takes a big sip of my drink*

Draya: Nah put that drink down Ana.

Ana: I don’t have nothing to do with honey.. *giggles* she told me that she’s posting booty pictures and that the people go crazy over her body. I mean some pictures she get 12 likes and the others she’s getting 1500.

Draya: *laughs* y’all funny. Okay last question ladies. Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji is airing every Sunday on Activator Productions at 7 CT.

Ana: Love that show!

Draya: Would you two be down to do a girls trip with women from different shows? We know Tanya is currently on the hit series #RHUGTFiji and Eva’s plane crashed in Figi. Excluding them, who from this currently cast would you being along with you to a trip?

Ana: I would love to go on with Tamir and maybe *looks at Bre* I mean me and Bre have fun when we aren’t pulling each other wigs off.

Bre’Symone: I would be down to go! I definitely wouldn’t do it with this one *points at Ana* because I know she’ll fight the whole damn cast. *laughs* Tamir is a no because she doesn’t do anything fun on trips, but my bestie girl, Bridget? She brings the fun! Definitely Bridget. *laughs* We do have fun Ana but you know I don’t like all that yelling on girls trip now!

Ana: Oh wow? I know you’re going to help me with those bitches.

Draya: Well girls! Thank you so much for joining me, this was a fun one! Basketball Wives airs every Tuesday at 8pm CST!

The cameras zoom out of the Getting The Real Tea studio as the episode comes to a close



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Getting The Real Tea

Written by Getting The Real Tea

Getting The Real Tea, is a role play interview show. Find us on Twitter @GettingTheRealTea! New episodes of Getting The Real Tea air Wednesday at 7pm CST!

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