S3 Ep 5 — Getting The Real Tea with Taylor Thompson
Upbeat, catchy intro music plays as the camera zooms in on a chic, modern set. Draya sits confidently in a plush chair with a playful smile.
Draya: Welcome back to another episode of “Getting The Real Tea” with me, Draya Parks! We are diving into all things roleplay, drama, and of course, the juiciest tea you can imagine, hunni, yas. This is episode 5, and trust me, you don’t want to miss a second of today’s conversation. We’ve got a special guest, some major tea spills, and a sneak peek into something we’ve been working on behind the scenes. Grab your cups, because it’s about to overflow!
Camera pans showing the audience excitement
Draya: Now, let’s get right into it. Today’s episode is extra special because I have the fabulous Taylor Thompson in the house! This bitch is my ride or die, hunni! You know her as the sharp-tongued gossip columnist, host of “Reality of Roleplay,” going live next Monday, and my co-producer on our exciting new project. Taylor is here, not just as a guest but as a co-host for this and the next episode! Welcome, TT! We are so excited to have you spill the tea with us, babe.
The camera pans to Taylor Thompson entering the set of ‘Getting The Real Tea’
Taylor: Hello hello sister! *hugs* I’m excited to pour the tea and sip it today!
Draya: Hunni, let’s get into the tea; that’s what we do best. First of all, I want to congratulate you on another season of ROR! How do you feel about this new season? I saw Petra and Christina got fired, no?
Taylor: Thank you, Diva. I’m very excited to be back for my third season. I saw that; how unfortunate. Petra, I don’t think she ever even moved into her dressing room and seemed to be trying to dodge me and not film episodes I was on the show. Strangely, she really hated my opinions on the show. As for Christina, I think she got fired because just like during her first stint, she would fall asleep at the table. *Shrugs* Wish her well!
Draya: Are you looking forward to having Jac back on the show?
Taylor: I think the reason it took time for us to come back is that I initially refused to do the show with Jacqueline. With time, I welcomed her back. I’m sure we won’t see eye to eye because we seldom agree about things. Her and Ellen — those two are something else.
Draya: I personally am. I think she’s good TV, but I hope she’s real and not biased! I see a lot of pro-Monse on the timeline; I’m like, What the f that girl doing? *laughs*
Taylor: *laughs* And my bestie panelist Tyler hates Monse, so it’ll be funny to see them bicker on Monse Dubois or whatever her last name is. *holds ear* It’s Derosier! Thanks Kasey!
Draya: Chile, I may have to extend an invitation to her so we can spill the tea on her — not that there’s much! While she’s a hot topic, what did you think of one of the most recent? Monse brought back former cast member Bree Barely, who got fired for her controversial racist thoughts.
Taylor: I was disappointed in production for allowing that. Why are we allowing Bree to film? Why is Monse wanting that lady to film? The reason part of the nation hates Monse is because of her actions back when all that went down, so just as she’s starting to finally recover from that hate, she fumbles the bag and films with that woman again? Monse will never learn.
Draya: I find it weird and stupid. I know I don’t like Monse, but I feel like they got behind production back and came up with this as a way to bring Bree back to the show. Petra was releasing statements about this girl, and for her to bring her back makes no sense! We know damn well the bish ain’t messing with that other girls’ man… 1) Sprint shut down in 2022. 2) We just know Bree ain’t got game like that.
Taylor: Not Sprint *laughs*
Draya: I agree. *nods* I heard that she got demoted, and this was her way of saying… If I bring her back and fabricate this storyline, I’ll get my full-time position and bring Bree back into the mix. The damn screenshot says Sprint! These hoes aren’t smart!
Taylor: I will say besides the Bree thing, I’ve enjoyed getting to know more about Monse and her marriage, their financial issues, and I feel like she’s got a good place in the group despite her stirring the pot with Serena, Yvonne, and Violette. The other ladies appear to like having her around? *Shrugs*
Draya: Well, Petra recently posted a poll asking fans who is their “MVP” of the season; Olivia won with 60% and Monse came second with 22%, so I’m assuming many people are enjoying her. I’m also hearing that many of the cast members are plotting on Olivia to get her off the show. Theres something going on between her and Violette, and some of the ladies are team Violette.
Taylor: That’s interesting. I did hear rumblings and whispers that some women in this scene felt that people were voting Violette in the poll not because they like her but in hopes it would make a statement against Olivia. It’s very shady, because on the timeline so far only Valentina has fought with Olivia and sometimes Yvonne, although we all know Yvonne has sense. *laughs* Violette has been missing ever since, like episode 3, and clearly doesn’t respect production. She doesn’t even live tweet or retweet. Where is she? A safe house?
I’ve heard that Petra is obsessed with Violette, and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true. I mean, Violette’s front and center in the cast photo, and while some say that doesn’t make a statement, it absolutely does. I expected so much from Violette because her story is interesting, but she doesn’t have that star quality. She often fades to the background. I agree with you. It’s clear she doesn’t respect the show, especially with how she hasn’t been promoting something that took months to film and produce. I’m personally Team Olivia all the way! That scene with Weston? Pure gold. Olivia’s got that boss HBIC energy that we all live for. She’s strong, she’s sweet, and she’s not afraid to take charge. But, of course, not everyone can handle that kind of vibe. It seems like some of these girls are getting a little too sensitive, and Olivia’s confidence might be ruffling a few feathers. But hey, if you’re going to shine, sometimes you’ll cast a few shadows, right?
Taylor: *nods* no I agree with you about Violette. She’s a fine enough supporting cast member, but I don’t buy her connections to the group. Even in this latest episode, she was throwing bombs at the women in her confessional and doesn’t seem interested in befriending them truly.
Draya: I think she wants to be the villain, she wants that viral moment, she wants to be bitchy one…It’s not a cute look girl, just be yourself. Especially when you’re super sensitive. How are we feeling about this season overall? Are you into it? Loving the drama, the alliances, and all those twists? Or is there something missing? I’m curious to hear your take!
Taylor: I am actually really enjoying it. It feels like a real group of girlfriends and the cast finally has chemistry. Before was a hodge podge of younger women and older women who very obviously were from different eras and different social circles. This seems to be a different, higher profile group and that isn’t shade at Sheridan, Imani, or Lorelei. They are all well regarded wealthy women who were in Beverly Beach but were from a younger generation and didn’t have established society connections, you know?
Draya: I mean, higher profile with hairdressers? *laughs and makes face* but I agree it’s a cute group! Alright, while ROR has been on pause, you have been diving deep into Ladies of Twitter, which is still filming. Last week’s episode with Billie? Total drama, Hunni! It stirred up so much mess, especially with former cast member Grace W. coming out of the woodwork. Billie couldn’t say much on this upcoming season but confirmed all those rumors that people are gunning for her. How do I feel about it?
Taylor: Well, I do think some of the ladies were wanting to push out Billie Reed this season. I don’t know how successful they were. I hear there are newbies in the mix, and at least one of them isn’t a Billie Reed fan…
Draya: Well! We don’t know much, hun. Now more tea hun… I heard your ROR co-host Jacqueline is joining Basketball Wives Twitter; what do you know about that?
Taylor: I did hear that as well! I heard she showed up in Sydney, Australia on a cast trip and didn’t actually film with them in Twitter? Bizarre!
Draya: Okay, but um — is Jacqueline that thirsty to clear her name? I mean, who flies across the globe just to film a show? Hun, that’s next-level dedication… or desperation! Either way, you’ve got to give her props for going all-in. But really, is this about setting the record straight from the controversial season she faced on RHOBB, or is she just chasing that spotlight?
Taylor: I’m not sure hun, but you know Eva Marions has a lot of friends. *laughs* Apparently Jackie Carter is one. *laughs* We do know that cast had like 15 folks last season.
Draya: Okay everyone early this Activator Productions dropped tea, something TT and I have kept a secret for the longest. I’m so excited to share the big news that dropped this week — Taylor Thompson and I have produced Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip! This season features an incredible lineup with Victoria Franklin, Yvonne Langley, Billie Reed, Teairra K-Blanco, Dr. Tanya Love, Alexis Benton, Belen Russo, and Clara Porter. The show premieres on August 25th, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for everyone to see it! You definitely don’t want to miss this!
The live audience cheers
Draya: Alright, TT, the moment has finally arrived — Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip is about to premiere! How are you feeling now that the world is about to see all the magic we created? What’s going through your mind as we get closer to the big day hunni?
Taylor: Oh absolutely! This is going to be must see. There are a lot of feuds you won’t see coming, and some you may have expected. Draya, can I give the girls some insider tea that will have them speculating and watching to see who I’m talking about?! Can I drop a little tea baby, just no name. *winks*
Draya: Yes, go ahead! Activator just sent us those final cuts the other day, and I have to say, it’s looking amazing!
Taylor: Well, here’s some exclusive tea….one of our 8 ladies…exits the trip early after getting into quite the argument. I’ll leave the fans to speculate on who it is that doesn’t finish the trip, however, you will get to see them exit the show in the middle of the night. *laughs* Draya and I were disappointed that they didn’t continue, but not everyone is cut out for that type of environment.
Draya: Yep, TT’s right. Honestly, the trip started off strong, but as the episodes roll out, you’ll see that while each of the girls gets their moment to shine, there are definitely a couple who, let’s just say, didn’t bring the drama or messiness we expected. You’d think, being stars of their own shows, they’d bring the heat, but nope — some were a little bit boring. But hey, that’s roleplay for you!
Taylor: *laughs* You know we asked the ladies if they’d do the show again, and some said yes and one said no but to be honest I think there were some where we were like…don’t worry baby you wouldn’t be invited back. *laughs* it seemed 1–2 were only doing it for the check. Most of the girls clocked in though! I think only one lady wasn’t involved in any feuds. *Shrugs*
Draya: TT, there’s a lot of chatter that we are trying to emulate other girls trip shows, let’s take the audience behind the scenes. How did we even come up with the idea of doing this epic crossover in Fiji?
Taylor: I know back in like November we wanted to do this and started putting a cast together. With Beverly Beach, we knew a reboot was coming and we figured Yvonne was safe so I know that’s why she was invited. With Victoria, we knew she was funny and had issues with Yvonne so we wanted her on. With the Ladies of Twitter, Billie Reed was a no-brainer and that Grace Whitworth drama queen was also asked. She couldn’t do it because she goes to sleep very early — disappointing. We decided to cast Teairra instead. For Basketball Wives Twitter, we originally asked Jasmine but her facial surgery got her fired by us and we went with Tanya. We wanted a Baller Wife, and unfortunately Calista Banks declined. We knew we wanted Alexis Benton due to her drama with Billie and ended up with Belen who was feuding with Alexis on the show once Calista dropped. Lastly, we always wanted Clara Porter because she’s an icon!
Draya: I remember we were supposed to do 6 episodes at first, but we knew if we kept going, it was going to be so toxic. There’s. A. Lot. Of. Drama. Honestly, my favorite is towards the end, the underdog really brings it and I can’t wait for everyone to see.
Taylor: Should we say who we feel our MVP was of the season?
Draya: I’ll give you the honor.
Taylor: *laughs* I want your opinion too! Okay, so for me, surprisingly I thought Tanya Love brought it the most. Not to spoil anything, but sis stirred the pot and stayed in some damn mess. *laughs*
Draya: I AGREE! Tanya brought it girls. I know she often gets clowned on the timeline and on her show; when we casted her I was like… is this a good idea? We have Penelope right in front of us, but no, Tanya brought it. Alright, that’s a wrap for today! Huge thank you to TT for coming on the show and spilling all the tea with us. And guess what? She’ll be back next week, along with Clara Porter, to dive even deeper into Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji. You don’t want to miss it! Remember, Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip premieres on Sunday, August 25th, exclusively on Activator Productions. Mark your calendars, because it’s going to be epic! Bye everyone!
The cameras zoom out of the Getting The Real Tea studio as the episode comes to a close