S3 Ep 4 — Getting the Real Tea with Sheridan Campbell & Billie Reed

Getting The Real Tea
14 min readAug 14, 2024


Draya Parks, ‘Getting The Real Tea’s Host’

Upbeat, catchy intro music plays as the camera zooms in on a chic, modern set. Draya sits confidently in a plush chair with a playful smile.

Draya: Welcome back to ‘Getting The Real Tea!’ I’m Draya Parks, and today we have an exciting episode lined up for you girls. We’re bringing in not one, but two incredible women who have made waves in roleplay hunni and are both proud members of the Twitter Hall of Fame.

The live audience’s applause is captured by the cameras before returning to Draya

Draya: First up, we have the former and iconic cast member of ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Beach,’ the fabulous Sheridan Campbell! Sheridan is known for her not-so-glamorous style, drama, wit, and unforgettable moments on the show. She has truly left a mark on the world of roleplay and continues to be a fan favorite. And joining us is the current star of the hit show ‘Ladies of Twitter,’ the sensational Billie Reed! While Billie is currently filming for the new season and can’t spill all the tea just yet, I will try my best to get her to spill all the tea chile.

The camera pans to Sheridan Campbell and Billie Reed walking out together

L to R: Sheridan Campbell, a former cast member of RHOBB, and Billie Reed, a current cast member on LoT

Draya: *looking at both of them with a smile on my face* Welcome, Sheridan and Billie! It’s such a pleasure to have you both here. How are you doing today?

Sheridan: *laughs* not so glamorous? You tried it! I’m doing well, Draya Parks.

Billie: Draya, you know these lips were made for talking, and that’s just what I’m fixing to do! Thank you for having me and my sister Sheridan here today.

Draya: I’m thrilled you ladies could join us today! This episode of ‘Getting The Real Tea’ is all about getting you girls to spill the tea from the Twitter Hall of Fame. We had also invited Tre Spice, but unfortunately, she couldn’t make it due to unforeseen circumstances. So, let’s get into it! Speaking of our Twitter Hall of Fame crew, how do you feel about Alexis and Jac not being here with us today? Are we good with them?

Sheridan: I think Alexis is off the grid; we haven’t heard from her since her divorce. I wish her well. Jac was just on here, and no, we don’t miss her — at least I don’t. *laughs* She talks too much shit.

Billie: I did wish Jac was here today as we are a sisterhood. I was told she was initially asked to come, but Sheridan vetoed that happening. Is that true, Sheridan? *looks*. As for Alexis, I wish her well in wherever she is in the world!

Sheridan: *laughs* No, did you not see her on with your best friend Patricia? *shakes Bob a bit*

Billie: *looks at Sheridan* Don’t piss me off.

Sheridan: Take your own advice, sister. *smiles and looks at Draya*

Draya: Sheridan, last season we saw you exit ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Beach’ along with Imani, Jac, and Heidi. Fans and production thought you were a big part of the drama. How has it been not being on this season?

Sheridan: It’s been wonderful! Choosing to leave the show to move to Green Bay was the right choice for me. Most of those women do not like me, so it’s been great to be away from that atmosphere — hell, Petra doesn’t even like my ass — we’ve all seen her interview on Loose Pussy Lips with Lorelei Hogan.

Draya: What do you ladies think about this season so far? Jac was just here last week and wasn’t so impressed with Olivia’s return. Do we feel the same way?

Billie: I actually love when an OG or veteran returns to their series. They help anchor the new and old of the show. So for me, I’m loving seeing Olivia back and having her around new ladies and seeing how she’s meshing.

Sheridan: As a viewer, I’m enjoying the show. You know, there are some cast members who haven’t been the kindest to me, but from a viewer standpoint, they are all entertaining to me except the new blonde — she doesn’t fit with the group. I think only Olivia is her friend.

Draya: Violette! I agree! I honestly don’t think she fits in. She disappeared. I haven’t seen her do press or promote the show; maybe she’s Monse 2.0?

Sheridan: *laughs* Maybe she got the pink slip before the season finished. She gave fraudulent vibes.

Billie: Wait, can I say something. I don’t get the Monse hate! She’s got her own flare to her, and I personally like her! She’s messy but not over the top.

Sheridan: I feel like this is Monse’s first season having a backbone and not being a follower. It’s amazing what a threat of a demotion will do to ya!

Draya: Personally, I think she’s there. She’s like a rollercoaster; she has good episodes, then she crashes.

Billie: *laughs* Well, I didn’t know all of that…

Draya: How do we feel about the entire Marcie dilemma? Do we feel bad for her? It’s a lot going on, and it’s all over the press.

Sheridan: Yes, I feel terrible for Marcie. I think a divorce is on the horizon, or at least it should be.

Billie: I hope she gets a divorce and runs far away from that man! If what I’ve read in the headlines is true, she should fear for her life if she stays any longer.

Draya: Many believe that Valentina and Yvonne wanted to embarrass Marcie to get more screen time. Both of you have been on TV for a long time; do you think this is true?

Sheridan: I mean, the goal is to be entertaining to continue to get your check, and I think this is Val’s first time doing anything to get a coin for herself, so I can see that for her. Yvonne is just known to stir the pot to keep the show on top of the ratings charts.

Billie: I think as someone who’s been accused of something similar, I think it’s hard to avoid the reality of things when you’re filming a reality show. From what I’ve gathered from reading this season, Yvonne and Valentina are no bullshiters and get straight to the point. Could their delivery be better? Sure. But if Marcie’s reality is what they are saying it is, what’s the issue in addressing it?

Draya: Billie, you have been a big part of ‘Ladies of Twitter,’ and in my opinion, you are the most iconic woman on the show. What can you tell us about this season? I heard the girls are jumping and trying to ice you out.

Sheridan: I heard that to at Trecina Island. *nods*

Billie: Oh my god. What’s the saying when you get the bigger checks and the bigger the fan base, the girls start to get mad? This season, some people are brought on to attempt to destroy me, and some simply come after me for a story. I think they forget when they do that; it just proves how valuable I am. *laughs* They could never ice me out though. I promise, as viewers watch this new season, which is almost wrapped, the truth will be on my side.

Draya: They’re not seeing you, babe! We heard that Amal Hadid is the one who is trying to ice you out. Do you think she’s jealous of your position on the show?

Sheridan: Oh Lord, I remember when she was a fat woman who loved herself before selling out to look like Calista Big Bank. So odd!

Billie: I love Amal Hadid to death, but I hope she doesn’t get mad when I say this. She would KILL to be in the position I am in on this show. The high salary, the huge fan base. She wants the wow factor that I have, and with some time she may be able to achieve it! She’s got to realize I’ve been in this game for seven years; she’s been in the game maybe two years max.

Sheridan: Bloop!

Draya: Only you, Amal, Teairra, and Erika are returning for Season 17 of ‘Ladies of Twitter.’ Do you think this was the right decision? Any newbies joining?

Sheridan: I saw a woman named Polly Parkinsons is joining! She’s a blonde. Must be replacing Grace Whistle.

Draya: Now who is that? *laughs*

Sheridan: At least I assume she’s a newbie, she tagged Ladies of Twitter on her page!

Draya: Hopefully we move on from casting YouTubers or influencers. That lady with thousands of followers flopped.

Billie: I think the core four were the best decision on people to bring back, and I really do love them three dearly. We have developed a bond like no other. As for the newbies, one is a friend of mine; she’s rich and reserved but will check a bitch if she needs to, and one just is a loose cannon and might also have a loose puss. Stay tuned for that one!

Sheridan: I wouldn’t consider Amal part of a core to the show. I’m currently on season 15. *laughs*

Billie: I really don’t know what season Amal came on because I didn’t watch the seasons I wasn’t on, and when I first met her, she was coming into a party doing Grace Whitworth’s dirty work, and then she got wheeled out at the reunion on a monitor.

Draya: Do you feel better now that Grace W. isn’t on the show?

Sheridan: Oh, Lord, so embarrassing.

Billie: *looks around* This is a safe place, right? *laughs* ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY she was true cancer to our show and honestly just started to make everything so negative and toxic.

Draya: Okay ladies! We’re going to play a little game called ‘Sip or Spill.” Each of you will be asked a shady question. If you choose to answer, you “spill” the tea. If you don’t want to answer, you will take a sip of your drink.

Billie: You better spill Sheridan. I’m not getting drunk because of you!

Big Booty Kasey comes out with a bottle of Don Julio while Work by Rihanna comes on

Draya: Yasss! Bootay!

Billie: Oh, we got the patron out; let’s go!

Sheridan is seen jumping up dancing to Rihanna’s song ‘Work’

Draya: Sheridan, we know one thing we have in common is that we love to tweet, hunni. We recently saw a tweet that said *shows screenshot as I read the tweet…What’s going on with you and Lorelei?

Sheridan: Oh my goodness, well, she’s the dumbest bitch I ever met in my life. She has fallen out with me, and her sister Imani is on my side with this one! It’s a shame truly; I’ve never met such a dense, do-nothing-ass bitch. Last time we made up, she had to get on her knees and beg; this time she’ll have to kiss my ass. She can fuck all the way off, and I hope the bitch is gone from this platform for good. Bye cunt!

Draya: What exactly happened? Is this because she didn’t invite you to Loose Lips?

Billie: Right? Spill the tea girl. You’re dropping crumbs and not giving us the whole slice.

Sheridan: I would never go on Loose Pussy Lips with Lorelei Hogan. The woman was cosplaying as Drew Barrymore; it was so cringeworthy. The worst talk show I ever saw on this platform. But my beef with Lorelei actually has to do with the fact that she tried to sleep with my ex-husband, Martin. As you all know, she’s a whore and spreads her leg to any black man with a big dick. Her husband sluts her out and rents the pussy out for a coin. Allegedly. She’s a trash box filled with STI’s. Just a nasty pussyass hoe.

Draya: *jaw drops* I’M SCREAMING

Sheridan: I heard she was selling that FUPA at the local Chilis. How unfortunate.

The camera pans to Billie gasping

Billie: Oh, Sheridan…

Draya: Billie, this girl is a mess. Moving on, Billie, out of all your fellow Hall of Fame sisters: Tre, Jac, and Sheridan. Who is the most problematic, the most sensitive, and the biggest bitch?

Sheridan: You forgot Thotlexis! *laughs*

Billie: Most problematic would be Jac, most sensitive would be my sweet sister Tre, and then the biggest bitch — well, I think I’m sitting next to her — that would be Sheridan!

The camera catches Billie laughing

Sheridan: *laughs* What would you call Alexis Denton?

Draya: Questions for both: is the hall of fame still a thing? I can’t keep up. Jac vs. Sheridan, Tre. Billie vs. Alexis. Alexis vs. Sheridan. I don’t understand the dynamics.

Billie: She’s not here for me to call her anything. I think the terms and conditions of being in the hall of fame are that you have to be active in the Roleplay community to be recognized as a hall of famer.

Sheridan: Oop well she’s working on that shambly marriage, love. *laughs* The hall of fame is still a thing — that’s why you invited us on, my love. *winks*

Billie: As quiet as it’s kept, we three still keep in touch. Like I said earlier, it truly is a sisterhood and something we all make an effort to be there for one another when we can. Obviously, when Jac and Sheridan had their falling out, it was tense, but we navigated through it.

Draya: I love that. Billie. Two weeks ago, Jac and Pat Fireson were on this show. Pat shortly tweeted a thread about the dynamics she’s had during her time on Roleplay, in which you were mentioned. What did you think about it?

Billie: Oh, I knew this was going to get brought up. *laughs* Look, it is what it is with Pat and me. I really don’t know why they said I was cancer to the show when he did a whole expose about the show. But I do want the viewers and Pat to know that I do not harbor any ill will towards them. I hope they find a Roleplay show that works best for them, time will tell if what they said in that thread is true or not. and I wish them well in life. Only time will tell if what they said in that thread is true or not. I’ll never say never, but for now the door is closed and locked. *smiles* And that goes for him returning to Ladies of Twitter too! *snaps*

Draya: Well, that’s interesting! Sheridan, what’s the deal with you and Kasey? I heard you were very touchy-touchy with KP, and she got mad? Or something like that?

Sheridan: Well yes, I did hear that Kasey was upset and bothered that KP and I are very good friends. I don’t know why she was so bothered. She could have come out on the yacht and enjoyed herself like we did, but she stayed inside, being obedient and watching his kid. *shrugs* So I had fun with KP, but it wasn’t anything crazy — I love my man. *laughs* Marcus FaceTimed me on the yacht, and he’s chatted with KP and such and approves of the friendship. We are going to hang out with KP soon in LA. I’m not sure why Kasey and Trecina are so bothered by a friendship!

Billie: Now Sheridan, come on now *laughs*

Draya: Is Marcus okay with him hitting you up? You recently tweeted that you were not in LA and tagged him! Was that to get at Kasey? *looks & laughs*

Billie: Now you see what I mean — she can be a bitch! That was bitchy behavior, Sheridan. *nudges*

Sheridan: Yes, Marcus is okay with us texting. Look, Marcus has my phone passwords. I’m not sure why Kasey is insecure, but she doesn’t have to worry about me and KP — just friends!

Draya: Will we see them on the newest season of Sherri on The Bay? Jac had words about the shows!

Sheridan: Well yes, she’s obsessed with me while she should be worried about Beau at the strip club, or maybe her stepchild she hasn’t mentioned since her LoT days, or the mental break she’s continuing to have tweeting about Donald Trump, but let me address my television show. My show is on a hiatus unfortunately due to the fight that broke out during the Green Bay Packers fundraising event. We have not gained clearance to pick up filming, and unfortunately, lawsuits have been filed. I’m good, but the show may not be able to continue, which is unfortunate.

Draya: This is a question for both of you. The last season of RHOBB was so dramatic that Jac and Sheridan ended their friendship. Heidi recently came forward and called Jac out for allegedly wanting to sue you. *Looks at Sheridan* What are your thoughts on this? Did Jac take it too far?

Sheridan: Jac is mentally not all there, so I can’t be too mad at her. Again, look at her tweets, and you’ll see that she still is not mentally with us. I say that with love! I hear she’s doing great things on Basketball Wives. She loves a check!

Billie: I mean, can we really truth someone who said all these things about her ex-costars that aren’t true? Heidi is a mess and honestly someone I wouldn’t buy information from. *shrugs* That’s just my thoughts.

Draya: Okay, we’re going to play a short little game before we wrap this episode up. I’ll mention a name, and you ladies will tell me if they’re hall of fame or hall of shame worthy; if you see them joining the hall of fame, say fame; if not, say shame. Got it? First up! Grace from Ladies of Twitter…

Billie: SHAME

Sheridan: ’ll agree with Billie. She never released her podcast I filmed with her, so that’s shameful. I also don’t know that she did enough in her time on Ladies of Twitter to warrant being a Hall of Famer. not even sure why she was a legend of Twitter.

Draya: Yvonne from the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Billie: Yvonne is an OG and honestly an anchor in a sense on Beverly Beach. I think she exhibits Hall of Fame quality.

Sheridan: Yvonne has had a Hall of Fame-worthy career. She’s an OG and has been on the show for 5 seasons, and I’m sure she’ll be back for season 10. That’s a long run, and she’s always been in the conversation each season of Beverly Beach.

Draya: Next up…Amala Hadid!

Sheridan: Hall of Shame. She is so insecure she changed her entire look, fat shaved off, new hair color, new nose, new eyes, new lips, new ears, new height. It’s wild. Shameful!

Billie: *laughs* Amal has some qualities that could get her inaugurated, but she still needs some time to prove herself worthy of it. I’m afraid if we induct her in the class, her head will get bigger than what it is.

Sheridan: Like seriously, it’s single white female weirdness to take a picture of Calista to your surgeon and say, Make me look like her daddy.

Draya: My producer, Kasey!

Sheridan: *laughs* Next Draya!

Billie: *laughs* Besides this show, what else has she done? That would be like our producers being in the hall of fame.

Draya: Y’all make me laugh! Finally, Lorelei!

Billie: I think we know Sheridan’s answer *laughs*

Sheridan: Flop. Isn’t she already in the Hall of Shame?

Billie: I would say for me since I don’t really know Lorelei like that and her efforts in Roleplay didn’t make an impact to make it to my front door or on the cover of a magazine she might have to go in the hall of shame for me.

Draya: Well! Thank you so much for joining me ladies, this was a great episode! Until the next one!

The cameras zoom out of the Getting The Real Tea studio as the episode comes to a close



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Getting The Real Tea

Written by Getting The Real Tea

Getting The Real Tea, is a role play interview show. Find us on Twitter @GettingTheRealTea! New episodes of Getting The Real Tea air Wednesday at 7pm CST!

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