S3 Ep 3 — Getting The Real Tea with Calista Banks & Brittany Slay
Upbeat, catchy intro music plays as the camera zooms in on a chic, modern set. Draya sits confidently in a plush chair with a playful smile.
Draya: Hey everyone, welcome back to ‘Getting the Real Tea,’ the show where we spill all the hot gossip and dive deep into the juicy drama with your favorite stars! I’m your host, Draya Parks, and today we’ve got an episode that’s sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!
The live audience’s applause is captured by the cameras before returning to Draya
Draya: In our last episode, we kicked things off with some tea. Marcie is getting divorced, Yvonne got dragged… But today we’re turning up the heat even more! We’ve got Brittany and Calista in the hot seat, and trust me, these ladies are ready to spill it all. From Baller Wives Twitter…*camera cuts to Calista and Brittany* Welcome Brittany and Calista!
The audience cheers with excitement as the camera pans to Calista and Brittany walking in & taking a seat
Draya: Ladies! Thank you so much for being here. How are you doing? *Turns to Calista and Brittany*
Brittany: I’m so excited to be here! Congratulations on the new show, Draya. Hopefully you won’t release any more false stories about me. *smiles*
Calista: Thank you so much for having us! I’m doing pretty well, aside from the hiccup I had at our premiere party the other week! *laughs*
Draya: Ladies, last week we kicked off Season 4 with a bang. The premiere of ‘Baller Wives Twitter’ was cute! We saw old friendships rekindled, new tensions brewing, and, of course, some unforgettable drama. Brittany, Calista, the fans are dying to know — what was it like for you both to see the premiere unfold?
Calista: It was interesting seeing that back because we had shot that while our Season 3 finale had dropped. I was still at odds with some of the women at that time, so I wasn’t surprised to see some of their shady commentary in their confessionals.
Brittany: I think it was a very interesting way to start off, but unfortunately, how we started is nowhere CLOSE to how we finish the season! Calista definitely isn’t as cordial with the women as she was in the premiere. *nudges her*
The live audience ooohs
Calista: I’m definitely cordial with Juniper, seeing how I can sit next to her and be professional, although I’m side-eyeing her a little bit after the premiere.
Brittany: Oh, please, Calista, that was ages ago. *rolls eyes*
The camera pans back to Draya
Draya: One thing we know is that we never know who’s winning the Baller Wives game, hunni. Last week, I reported that Miss Luna is allegedly having breakdowns to the point where she’s planning to put her lawyers to work. How do you feel about the report that Luna is allegedly suing the network to have emotional outburst scenes removed?
Calista: I mean I think that would be on brand. I believe she’s embarrassed of her behavior and viewers will hopefully get to see how she acted when she was on camera. She certainly took me by surprise this season.
Draya: Was it that bad? Was this on or off camera?
Brittany: That’s really unfortunate because those types of actions can ruin the show for all of us, if it’s true. However, with how crazy things ended with her time on the season, I can’t say I’d blame her for not wanting it shown. I know Calista wants it on camera because it did get really dramatic. Oh, it is on camera.
Calista: It was most definitely on camera, unfortunately. You try to be friends with these ladies, and they pay you back by being shy!
Draya: Production should definitely air it! On episode 1, we saw Blair express a desire to rejoin the group socially. She’s an OG. Calista, I was wondering: Do you think Blair was trying harder to not flop and fall into the background this season? Did she fit in better than in prior seasons?
Brittany waits for Calista to respond
Calista: You know Blair is my friend! *giggles* Honestly I feel the Blair you see this season is one that’s always been there but this season the ladies kept poking and poking until they got the reaction they wanted. I’m honestly here for Blair this season because she dropped those Capri-Suns and was ready to work!
Brittany: Wasn’t she drinking them at breakfast? I think she needs an endorsement or something; she loves those probably more than she loves you. *laughs*
Calista: She’s definitely an unofficial ambassador for Capri-Suns. *laughs* I think the other Ballers needed to sip those instead of alcohol this season because they were batshit crazy.
Brittany: Is that shade toward Luna?
Calista: Toward her and a few other ladies. *does a soft glare at Brittany*
The camera catches Brittany shrugging
Brittany: I don’t know why she’s looking at me, Draya.
Calista: I was looking at the camera to see my reflection. *laughs* I look gorgeous!
Draya: I’ve personally never been a fan of Blair, but I’m glad she’s putting those long teeth to work. Others, aka Femi, clearly take their time trying to formulate a thought. Why are these girls flopping so much?
Brittany: You know, I think our cast is hard to fit into. We had a strong foundation, and it just takes time to get to know the new faces, but I feel Riley and Gwen have been our best additions since their debut. I think you’ll see Femi struggle again this year to find her footing, so I wouldn’t be surprised if production cuts her.
Calista: Femi belongs in the ocean with Dory. I don’t hate her, but sometimes her presence annoys me, as you’ll see this season.
Draya: I think it’s time. The show is great, but I feel there are so many non-factors. I do agree with Riley being an integral part of the show; she talks so much shit! Brittany and Riley seemed to have strong opinions about some of the ladies, including you. How do you feel about her comments, and do you think there’s a chance for reconciliation?
Brittany: I think Riley needs to add tact to her messy behavior. Don’t throw your friends under the bus and betray their trust before you end up like Femi. If Riley genuinely owns up to what she did, I think we can mend what’s broken.
Calista is seen nodding
Draya: I hope you girls fix it. But, Calista, there’s been talk about forming alliances within the group. Do you feel that these alliances are helping or hurting the group’s dynamic?
Brittany is seen laughing
Calista: Well, I’m not in an alliance with anyone; I would like to start there. I think in some instances they help the dynamic, and in other instances they hurt. I feel when you have a collective that hates on a certain someone, it hurts the dynamic.
Brittany: No one is hating on you, Calista. *laughs*
Calista: Oh, stop it! You all at one point had something negative to say about it, and I get it; I would be jealous too!
Brittany: You’ve had the same negativity for everyone else too; it’s par for the course. Don’t be so vain.
Draya: Brittany, with all the drama and shifting alliances, who do you think is the glue that holds the group together, and why? Is it Calista?
Brittany: Calista doesn’t care to really hold our group together, to be completely honest. I think this year Blair tried to, and the ball is currently in maybe Riley’s court.
Calista looks at Draya before answering
Calista: Draya I held the group together when I became a hot and juicy storyline. Let’s make note of that. *laughs*
Brittany: *yawns* You’re not tired of being self-congratulatory yet?
Calista: If you aren’t your biggest supporter, who will be? Like you said, I don’t have a husband, so I need to give myself a pat on the back. *laughs*
Brittany: Well, you could’ve gone to the altar, but you let the ex get involved with that. *shrugs and look at Draya* Next question Draya.
Calista: Rumors are your next stop is the lawyer’s office. *laughs* I can give you some good advice. *smirks*
Draya: Oh, no, ladies, let’s go back to you two making up during episode one! I think it was the most interesting scene of the episode. Calista, what was really going through your mind when Brittany didn’t answer your call for months? Do you think she was avoiding you on purpose?
Brittany: Can you? You came out of the marriage with your career and kids; I could really get all that on my own. *smiles* No need to pay all the money for a lawyer.
Calista: I honestly felt she was trying to punish me, so when the cameras started rolling, I felt she was trying to get ahead of it to make it seem like she had forgiven me. I own my part in my lack of communication with her.
Cameras catch Brittany roll her eyes
Brittany: Punish you? You’re not a child.
Draya reads a question from her cards when looking at Brittany
Draya: Brittany, you tweeted about wanting an explanation from Calista. Do you think it was the best way to handle it, or was it just for the drama?
Brittany: I think since we don’t get reunions and I don’t get to see the episodes before they air, I handled it correctly. We filmed at the finale party so that cameras could capture our real reactions to it. You saw Luna blow up at Riley for what she saw on the finale, so why can’t I handle it where we get paid to?
Draya looks at Calista
Calista: It may not seem like it, but I do still love Brittany deep down. She thinks I’m a bitch, and I think she’s sly. *laughs* I still believe she was trying to control the narrative by waiting until we filmed. That’s how I genuinely feel. Brittany is a smart woman, and she knows how this works. *shrugs*
Draya: Well, Calista, you did mention Brittany’s ‘absentee husband’ and ‘mother-in-law from hell.’ That wasn’t cute. Care to spill more tea on that? I was gagged. *looks at Brittany*
Brittany: It’s no secret that I have a tough relationship with Wyatt’s mother, and anything like what happened last season with people alleging that I was in an adult film puts a strain on a relationship.
Calista: Did I say that? *looks* I don’t remember. *laughs*
Brittany: It just aired, you should remember. You remembered enough to say earlier that you were side-eyeing me from the premiere, so…
Draya: Brittany, after watching that do you feel like Calista’s apology was genuine, or do you think she’s just trying to save face on camera?
Brittany: I think she meant the apology, but as always, she looks for any little reason to go backwards with me. Sometimes I do feel it was a mistake to get my friends on a show with me because, well, you’ve seen the show *adjusts in seat*
Draya: *looks at Calista* Is that right?
Calista: Brittany doesn’t like that I call her out when she’s being messy, that’s all. I’ve known her for a long time, so I can see her antics. That doesn’t mean I love her any less! I’m sure in a few days she’ll invite me out to Applebees so we can talk. *laughs*
Brittany: Please, I haven’t stepped foot in that place since you only had two children!
Calista: Our relationship is complicated, but I trust her with my kids!
Draya: It’s so fun to watch your relationship! I think it’s the funniest out of everyone on the show, true friends, hunni!
Brittany: They’re grown now, so I’m not sure how much weight that holds!
Draya: Alright, everyone, it’s time to wrap up the episode with a fun little game I like to call ‘Truth or Shade!…. Here’s how it works, Calista and Brittany: I’ll ask you a series of questions, and you have to decide whether to tell the truth or throw some shade. Ready? Let’s get started!
Brittany is smiling and waiting for the game to start
Draya: Both, truth or shade: Are we happy that Cassie is no longer part of Baller Wives Twitter?
Brittany: Yes, she seems happier in Chicago.
Calista: I’m sad she’s no longer with us, but Chicago is her home!
Draya: Juniper, truth or shade: Do you think Yvonne was ambushing Marcie on RHOBB by throwing a dinner to question her marriage?
Brittany: No, I don’t. I say this coming from the show that had an entire intervention our first year. *laughs*
Draya: Calista, truth or shade: Fans on Twitter often criticize Amal Hadid from Ladies of Twitter for looking like you, thoughts?
Brittany: Why get her started? *laughs*
Calista: *laughs* I mean, clearly, I inspired her, and it shows the impact I have in Twitter as a whole. My features have helped her tremendously, and I believe this makes me a feminist. Women supporting women! Don’t forget who the OG is, though!
Draya: Last for both: if you could keep, fire, and friend the following from your show, who would it be? “Riley, Femi, Luna”
Brittany: Keep Riley, Fire Femi, and Friend Luna.
Calista: Friend Riley because she was better as my friend, who then turned into Charlotte Robinson’s best friend. Fire Femi because the ocean calls for her. Keep Luna because she needs the check and our publicity, so there you go. *laughs*
Draya: This has been so much fun! Thank you, Calista and Brittany, for playing along and keeping it real. And to our viewers, stay tuned for more juicy episodes of ‘Getting The Real Tea.’ Until next time!
The cameras zoom out of the Getting The Real Tea studio as the episode comes to a close