S3 Ep 2 — Getting The Real Tea with Pat Fireson & Jac Carter-Van de Walde

Getting The Real Tea
14 min readJul 24, 2024


Draya Parks, ‘Getting The Real Tea’s Host’

Camera cuts to sitting in a stylish studio set as she looks at the camera

Draya: Hey everyone, welcome back to another exciting episode of ‘Getting The Real Tea,’ the show where we spill all the hottest gossip from your favorite shows! I’m your host, Draya Parks, and today we have a very special episode lined up for you.

The audience cheers with excitement

Draya: Now, you all know ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Beach’ never fails to deliver the drama, the glamour, and, of course, the scandals. Today, we’re diving deep into the behind-the-scenes tea and all their thoughts on the new season of the show with two former cast members who have left the show under some very intriguing circumstances. Today I have with me two iconic ladies; give it up for Jac Carter and Pat Fireson! Welcome, Pat and Jac! It’s great to have you both here. How are you, girls?

L to R: Jac Carter-Van de Walde & Pat Fireson

Pat: I am amazing! Thank you for having me; it’s been a while since I’ve done something like this.

Jac: *waves at the audience* Please, please! It’s just me, The Jacqueline! *laughs as someone in the audience screams, ‘I love you, Jac’* No, I love you!!! *turns to Draya* What a fabulous audience you have! I’m doing well, my love. Thank you for having me.

Draya: *Smiles and looks at the ladies* Fun fact! Both of you have graced the screens on ‘Ladies of Twitter’ and ‘RHOBB.’ The last time we saw you both was on ‘RHOBB.’ Since then, how has the break from the spotlight been for you two?

Jac: I’ll let Pat go first since it’s been a lot longer since anyone’s seen her.

Draya: *covers face with cards as I chuckle* The Jacqueline stays on, ready, huh?

Pat: It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been around Jac. So it’s great to see her and all she’s accomplished. Life has been so good and peaceful. I had to take a break for my own mental health and stability. *laughs* But I’m back. The people called, and I answered!

Jac: *to Draya* You know it *winks at Draya before turning back to Pat, who is in the second seat and listening to her response, nodding along* Well, thank you, Pat. You know I’ve been a busy girl since we last graced the screens together on season 11 of Ladies of Twitter.

Pat: What a season that was *laughs*

Jac: *to Pat* Was that the season where you accused me of having an STD, or was it the season your boyfriend mushed me in the face?

Pat: I think that was the Herpes season. Incredible television. You gotta admit. We made the content girl

Draya: Now talking about that…*looks at Jac and Pat* I’ve heard through the grapevine that you two had some issues on ‘Ladies of Twitter.’ Are you both alright now, and is there any hope for a friendship? You two make amazing television.

Pat: Jac and I understand the assignment. I can’t say the same for everyone.

Jac: *to Draya* Through the grapevine? Mama, it was captured on camera for two seasons. *laughs*. We certainly had a lot of issues. Where are we now? *turns to Pat* I’d say we’re civil. We’re in a respectful space. Unfortunately for Pat, there are just too many people in my life who have been hurt by her, and loyalty is everything to me. Hell, I’m still loyal to Sheridan, and we all saw how she treated me. *to Draya* But I wish her well in her attempt to reignite her career.

Draya: Pat… what’s your response to that? *looks at Pat*

Pat: Listen, I don’t think we are best friends, but time heals. I think we recognize that we both bring it when we are on these shows. There’s a reason why we are both still the most talked-about cast members. Could you imagine if we were besties and went after these heifers? I don’t know if we will ever be on something together again, but if we are, you know you are going to get a show. When it comes to loyalty, I respect it, but you know what they always say: “These hoes ain’t loyal.” Everyone has an agenda. Trust the DMs since I’ve returned; they have been more than interesting. Not everyone is as innocent as they pretend to be.

The audience ooohhsss

Draya: Wait, wait, wait…Pat we are on Getting The Real Tea, who has been in your DMs and have they talked about Jacqueline? *looks*

Jac turns and looks at Pat, then back at Draya, then over the audience, then back to Pat

Pat: Once upon a time, I would have put up a full exposé on the DMs. I’m not about that life anymore, but in the fairness of the show, and hey, why not be a little shady? There have been many conversations about a lot of different individuals. Jac has, of course, come up in conversation. I actually got a few DMs before doing this interview. *laughs*. Several actually.

Draya: Oof, Olivia or Sheridan one of those?

Jac: Care to share any?

Pat: I haven’t talked to Sheridan in a while. I have chatted with Olivia, the queen of RHOBB *laughs* but not about Jac.

Jac: Queen? Do queens typically get fired, disappear into obscurity for half a decade, and then return out of the blue? Hmmm…I wonder if Queen Elizabeth ever did that.

Draya: Well, we are so eager to read more about this in Pat’s upcoming memoir, “Roleplay: The Burn Book,” since she is refusing to spill the tea with Draya hunni! *laughs* Now, ladies, now that we mention Olivia, have we been watching the new season? What do we think of her return?

Jac: If you need any writing tips, Pat, let me know. I’m a three-time best-selling author, and I recall you being *pauses* not so great with the words.

Pat: *laughs* I’ll have my people reach out. I tend to write my own words and not use ghostwriters.

Jac: I have watched Draya. I see more of the clips than the full episodes, but it seems like they’re doing their thing. Olivia seems to be back and trying to bring the show to its roots, which *pauses* if that’s what Petra wants, then have at it. I just don’t remember the show being a big hit when she was on back in the day.

Pat: This is what I’ll say about Olivia, and how about the overall state of these shows in general? There are two types of girls. One girl is that OG that the “new girl” tries to come for because she’s so iconic. The new girl does it because they don’t have much happening. The other is the new girl who shines, stands out, and is on track to be a fan favorite. The old, dusty, dried-up OG that should have retired seasons ago tries their best to go for them but ends up looking desperate and pathetic. Olivia is iconic. The new chick is desperate to shine.

Jac: So we can all agree that Yvonne is the desperate and pathetic one who needs to retire in this scenario?

Draya: Is that shade for Yvonne or Violette?

Pat: I think Yvonne is great.

Draya: *looks at Jac confused* Is there anyone specific you were talking about?

Jac: *raises eyebrows* I’m confused. *to Pat* Girl, tell this lady your thoughts on Olivia’s return.

Draya: Jac, we saw you having a back-and-forth exchange with Violette on Twitter, do you agree with Pat?

Pat: I think it’s about time. Olivia is from Beverly Beach. She came back when the show needed her. I mean, who is this, Valentina? How long has she been on?

Jac: I want to clarify that I don’t know Violette. I’ve never met her and have no real desire to. She seems to be in the mix, and I commend her for doing that, but I’m always going to ride for my girls, Marcie, Val, and Monse. If you come for any one of them, it’s on.

Pat: Can I ask, Marcie, Val, and Monse, how long have they been on the show? *looks at Jac*

Draya: They joined the show last season.

Jac: Monse, I believe, has been on for like 4 or 5 years now. She’s the anchor of that show. No, it’s true. The other two joined last season.

Pat: Well, listen if you don’t make your inauguration season iconic. Why are you there? Name one iconic moment from any of the girls you mentioned. We’ll wait. *smiles*

Jac: Well, Marcie did bring a pie to her first group event last season and tried to crash Heidi Weltroth’s charity event on a rooftop. So there is that.

Pat: I think the truth is that the girls behind the scenes are threatened when someone like Olivia comes back.

Draya: *laughs* Well, Marcie, just got divorced and is going through a breakout season. I think she’s the star of this season. I heard that Petra loves Violette, so she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Pat: *laughs* Jac. Come on mama.

Draya: I did hear she left the off-camera group chat they have.

Pat: I guess the bar is set low for the newbies now. Off camera group chats are toxic. So power to her. Protect your peace.

Draya: Ooooof *laughs* The Fireson has replaced The Jacqueline as the shadiest honey. Okay, so Pat, you think Valentina, Marcie, and Monse bring nothing to the show….What about you, Jac? Who do you think brings the least and is a snooze to watch?

Jac: I personally think all three are great for the show. No one wants to watch a 60-year-old art gallery owner run around Beverly Beach with her 58-year-old designer friend in tow. *to Draya* Oh, great question. I’d have to say Victoria Franklin. She’s kind of just there. She’s been on the show for a few years now, and each season her screen time gets reduced and reduced and reduced. I just wish Petra would get her out of her pain.

Pat: *laughs* Not out of her pain.

Draya: Well Jac, we know she’s not a cast member, but you just said you enjoy watching Yvonne and Olivia? Is that right?

The camera captures Jac looking confused

Jac: Who said that? Certainly not I. Most definitely not me.

Draya: In your response, you said no one wants to watch “a 60-year-old art gallery owner run around Beverly Beach with her 58-year-old designer friend in toe.”

Pat: Wait Jac. Don’t sell out like that. Victoria is a non-factor on the show. Be truthful.

The camera captures Draya looking at Jac

Pat: It’s not like you to hold back from being a bitch, so do it.

Jac: Correct. No one wants to watch that, but you said I enjoy watching them in your question. I do not enjoy watching them. I do not enjoy watching Yvonne on my screen. Olivia, I don’t have any strong feelings about it. She’s kind of blah to me. She also blocked me on social media because I expressed my opinion on the show. She should be thanking me for dignifying her presence with my commentary.

Draya: About that…Do you think you’re more iconic on RHOBB than Olivia?

Camera zooms in on Pat looking at Jac

Jac: I know I’m a more iconic roleplay star than she is. That’s without question. I’ve done half a dozen shows and continue to be booked while she faded into irrelevance for much of the past 5 years. When it comes to Beverly Beach, look, I have to give her her flowers for being an OG. I’ll never take that away from her, but I think I’m also the first housewife on that show who snagged the seat next to Andy in my first season as a housewife. I carried much of season 8 on my back. The show experienced its highest-rated episode in season 7 when I joined the cast. So *pauses*, take from that what you will.

Pat: *coughs* Same here, baby. First seat at my first reunion — not many can say that, Jac. But we can

Draya: *looks at Jac* Good response! Okay ladies. We’re going to play my favorite game called ‘Sip or Spill”. Each of you will be asked a shady question. If you choose to answer, you “spill” the tea. If you don’t want to answer, you will take a sip of your drink. I expect you ladies to not drink since you two are the shadiest bitches ever, k? *laughs* Are we ready? *looks at them*

Big Booty Kasey comes out with two red cups with Hennessy

Pat: Let’s do it!

Jac: Oh, not the Hennessy. You’ll be dragging me off this stage by the end of this taping *laughs* but shoot. Let’s do it.

Draya: Pat, *reads cards* sip or spill, rumor has it, you were fired from Ladies of Twitter after lying nonstop. Is this true, and would you go back to the show?

Jac: Oh, I don’t think that’s an option for our Pat. *sips Hennessy*

Pat: Not true. I left with the majority of the cast members when the production tried to shove Grace down our throats unauthentically. I would be open to coming back. I gave them incredible seasons. Trust. Production has been in contact.

Draya: I heard the new season is filming. *looks at Pat* Is there a Pat Fireson cameo coming soon?

Jac: With Billie on the show? Absolutely not

Pat: I would have given Grace a shot but it felt forced and not real. I need it to feel real.

Jac: Billie is the HBIC over at LoT. If she doesn’t want Pat back, it’s certainly not going to happen.

Pat: When production realizes that cast members like the one Jac mentioned and the other one name. I think Eric? Erica? If you are a cancer to the show and bring nothing, I would be happy to make a cameo.

Draya: Why? What happened?

Jac: Let’s change the topic because I won’t stand for Billie bashing. Erica bashing? Let’s do that all day.

Pat: Not all cast members are part of the production. They don’t get to make decisions. My DMs prove that; I’ll leave it there.

Jac: *to Draya* I pray to God we get to see these infamous DMs. I’m starting to salivate at the thought of them.

Draya: Alright now. *laughs at Jac* Okay, Jac, sip or spill. We know you quit the show, but Sheridan has stated in previous tweets and interviews that you were about to be fired…Thoughts on that?

Pat: *to Jac* You will never. I’ve been asked to keep it from you specifically *smiles*

Jac: Look, I believe that. I think the producers and I both knew it wasn’t working out. I was miserable filming season 8. I barely had any fun. I was pregnant as hell. I was on the defense. I was combative, emotional, and irrational, so I definitely believe that the producers weren’t going to bring me back, but I still quit well before pick-up letters were issued. That is a fact. There are no ifs and buts about it.

Draya: Have you been watching Sherry on the Bay?

Jac: I’ve tweeted about it and promoted it, but I haven’t watched. There’s about a 2-month gap between episodes, so it’s hard to keep my attention for that long a time.

Draya: *laughs* Okay, ladies, it seems Sheridan is once again at the center of drama. She and Lorelei are apparently feuding...again. Sheridan recently tweeted this *shows screenshot*. Have either of you talked to Lorelei about this? And are you Team Sheridan or Team Lorelei?

Pat: So I filmed a special one-on-one interview with Lorelei. That will come out in time. I love her, and I think her feelings hurt. I know they will come back together again. There are people who can realize that this type of drama isn’t deep. Then there are people who obsess over it, and it takes over their everyday reality. Sheridan and Lorelei will be fine.

Jac: I haven’t spoken with Lorelei about it. I have spoken with Sheridan about it. Sheridan is hurt. I was with them both and Imani Grimaldi a few months ago, and all seemed well. I pray they can come to peace because they’re both great girls.

Draya: Pat. Sip or Spill: You tweeted that RHOBB’s Valentina Armani blocked you. Is there a reason? Do you have history with the Armani’s?

Pat: I have no idea who she is. All I can think is that she’s an obsessed fan. I wish her and her mental illness well.

Jac: She is not an obsessed fan. Val is the wife of Brandon Armani. A veteran in the acting game. Marvel Universe. Universal Studios. Fox. He’s done it all.

Pat: You actually seem obsessed with her. The question wasn’t for you, so stay out of it. And *looks at audience* notice how even her soldier can’t say anything iconic about her; her greatest accomplishment is her husband. *smiles* Next question!

Draya: Oop!… *looks at Pat as the audience gasps* Jac. Sip or spill, you were a good friend of Heidi on the show. Recently, she has gone to lengths to allegedly lie and leak storylines about cast members and production. Are you still friends with Heidi, and what do you think about this?

Jac: Soldier? *looks at Pat* I’m certainly no solider, Pat. I’m a friend of hers. I’ll defend my friends to the end of this earth. I don’t think she’s an obsessed fan. She wasn’t even around when you were last on TV five years ago.

Pat: Because I made the decision to leave *laughs* I don’t need to jump show to make a point. The girls know who I am.

Jac: I haven’t spoken with Heidi in a while. I unequivocally stand against what she’s been doing to the people over at Beverly Beach, and I’ve expressed that to her. I wish her well, but the friendship has definitely grown apart.

Draya: Wait, Jac, is your resume better than Pat’s? *laughs* I didn’t know it’d been 5 years since she was on TV!

Pat: If you call several shows a resume, I’ve been on two and did more than enough on both to make a name for myself.

Jac: It most certainly is, but that’s not to take away from Pat’s accomplishments. He hosted his own talk show dedicated to slamming me and my friends. He was a friend on Beverly Beach, as I was for one season before I got promoted. He was on Ladies for 4 seasons. He’s done a lot.

Draya: Jac. You’re part of the “Hall of Fame.” Rank your hall of fame sisters “Sheridan, Alexis, Trecina, and Billie” from most to least iconic, including yourself.

Jac: Oh easy. I’d say Billie since she’s still working, then Tre because she was fortunate enough to have a gaggle of brothers whose lives she could exploit for an extra 15 minutes of fame, then Sheridan, and lastly, my Alexis.

Draya: Pat, do you think all of those ladies are iconic?

Pat: I do. All of them have brought something to their shows. Icons recognize icons. They deserve their flowers.

Draya: Ladies, our final question is: if you could return to one show, which one would you be and why: Ladies of Twitter or RHOBB?

Pat: Hands down RHOBB. But much love for where I got my start at Ladies.

Jac: For me, I’d say Ladies of Twitter. I’ve popped up a few times over the last couple of seasons, and it always feels like going back home to me. I don’t think that’s on the cards for me right now, though, as I’m currently working on three amazing, amazing projects. One of them is filming now, and the other two are expected to start production in the coming weeks, so yeah.

Draya: Well, ladies, this has been a blast and an episode full of shade! Thank you so much for doing this, until next time!

Pat: *smiles and waves*

Jac: *waves to the audience*

The cameras zoom out of the Getting The Real Tea studio as the episode comes to a close



Getting The Real Tea
Getting The Real Tea

Written by Getting The Real Tea

Getting The Real Tea, is a role play interview show. Find us on Twitter @GettingTheRealTea! New episodes of Getting The Real Tea air Wednesday at 7pm CST!

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