[S1 Ep15] Getting Real Tea with Tre Spicé- Slovain (Married to Medicine: Twitter cast memeber)

Getting The Real Tea
13 min readJul 15, 2021


Amy (Host) & Elyse Sewell (Guest co-host) & Tre Spicé- Slovain ( Married to Medicine cast member)

Producer: 3,21 and we are live!

The camera pans to Amy coming out of the sliding door. The audience cheers and claps.

Amy: Hey you guys! I’m Amy and welcome back to another episode of GettingRealTea. Today I’ve got two guests with us. Y’all both know them *smiles*. First, please give a warm welcome to Elyse Sewell from The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach! As of today she will be our new guest-co host.

*the audience claps and cheers as Elyse comes out*

Elyse: Hi Amy. I’m so excited to be here. This is all new for me so be gentle. *laughs* A brand new year. A brand new opportunity. And a brand new Elyse baby. *sits across from Amy*

Amy: Don’t worry Elyse. I will be a bit gentle hunni. *smiles*. So how are you feeling now that your a guest-cost on GettingRealTea? Are you excited for this new journey *winks and smiles*?

Elyse: It feels great. I get to be in your seat. *laughs* Asking the tough questions baby.

Amy: Yes baby, you will. You’ll do a great job. So, let’s ask a question that EVERYBODY wants to know. Are you back for season 4 of Real Housewives of Beverly Beach? *looks at Elyse*

Elyse: *laughs* I did resign my contract Amy. It’s great to be back although, I would say I wish some of the women weren’t there. But if they weren’t, there’d be no show.

Amy: Ooh *makes face* I’m wondering who’ll also be back for season 4 now Elyse. *smiles*

Elyse: You’ll have to wait to tune in just like everyone else, Amy. My lips are sealed!! *puts fingers up to freshly injected lips*

Amy: Oh, I see *looks at Elyse*. Ok. I think it’s time to bring our out second guest. Let’s welcome Tre Spice from Married to Medicine Twitter. Please give her a warm applause everyone!

Tre: *twirls onto stage* Yesssss! The Queen is here!! *takes seat with Amy & Elyse* Hello ladies! Thank you for having me today!

Amy: Of course, well it’s great to have you here Tre. Such a pleasure to have you on GettingRealTea.

Elyse: We are so happy to have you here Tre. I’ve been wanting to meet you for awhile. Excuse me as I fangirl out. The queen is here ladies and gentleman! *claps with audience*

Amy: Now, let’s dive into it! *smiles at Tre* So Tre this season you’re on M2MTwitter. Were you approached by production to join the show or did one of the cast members refer you?

Tre: I would say both. *laughs* I was already good friends with some of the ladies such as Jocelyn &; Pat. Then when my other good friend Dr. Tiffany signed on, it just went from there. That’s why you always have connections because you never know what can happen.

Amy: I see , okay. So this season there where some new additions to the show. What do you think about Annabel, Petra who finally is full time, Dr Tiffany and Courtney? What’s your take on them ?

Tre: I love Dr. Tiffany & Dr. Annabel! Dr. Tiffany is a straight shooter and Dr. Annabel has such a genuine and nice heart. They’re both lovely additions to the show. I think Petra is good for the show but I feel she’s rather reserved? As I see the episodes, I guess I can understand why but I would like to see more from her. As for Courtney, I would rather not talk about her. I think she signed up for the wrong show. *laughs* I didn’t know Married to Medicine Twitter turned into Saints to Sinners.

Amy: OOP *makes face*

Elyse: I am loving Dr. Annabel myself although I wish she’d get more screen time. Poor baby is getting your edit. *laughs & sings* Well they say she’s just a friend. *laughs* Now Tre, you’re friends with both Pat and Jocelyn. Is that hard for you? From seeing their Twitter feeds it seems to me they do not like each other. Tell me, who’s side are you on? *laughs*

Amy: I agree with that, Elyse. I’m such a fan of Dr Annabel but I feel like she’s in just a bit of the episodes. I want to get to know her more as a viewer.

Tre: *deeps sighs* It is hard for me to witness that because I am cool with them both. I didn’t have much to say about it because I was pregnant at the time. There has been some low blows and accusations this season and if I HAD to pick a side, I would pick Jocelyn for sure.

Elyse: Ok baby! Well! *smiles* Now let’s circle back around to Courtney. She’s a wild one that’s for sure. But why are all you ladies giving her a hard time? So, she’s got a fraudulent family. So, she’s lied to you all. So, she’s not the perfect example of a doctor’s wife. Not sure if her hubby’s a real doctor but, isn’t that what this show is made up of? Hot messes? *laughs* And she’s hot mess #1!

Amy: *laughs* Ooooooh chile! Elyse going in deep, Tre.

Tre: I mean when you’re on a reality show, you have to be transparent about your life at some point. Yes we live for the mess but she’s honestly a liability. Who said her name was Courtney? Is she even Married to Medicine? We don’t know what’s real with the girl but we know everything is fake.

Amy: Whaaaat? *eyes widen* I am shocked to the core Tre!

Tre: Granted, I’m not Married to Medicine which is why I’m a friend. *laughs* It’ll make for good tv but actually dealing with it is a whole different story.

Elyse: *laughs* Poor girl. I hope she’s back next season. She deserves a redemption. Speaking of that Tre, we had a question from Twitter.

Tre: Can she spell redemption? Since she’s a journalist you know…*laughs* Amy: Ooh shade Tre *smirks* THE SHADE hunni!

Elyse: It seems someone asks, would you ever consider being on the show full time? You’ve brought more to it in your confessionals than Courtney has this season. *laughs* Why aren’t you a full time cast member Tre? We all really want to know. *looks into audience who is changing “Queen Tre”* See, they all want it.

Amy: I was gonna ask that question! *laughs* Great minds think a like Elyse ! *laughs*.

Tre: I get asked that question so many times. *laughs* So since we’re on Getting Real Tea I’ll go ahead and give you the REAL TEA. I’m not Married to Medicine at all. *laughs* Now, I could be like Courtney and lie about being Married to Medicine but that’s not style. I had an amazing experience while filming but like I said earlier, there needs to be some transparency.

Elyse: This lady is just a tease. *laughs* Gives us all a taste and then pulls away. And I’m sure we could fix that Tre. I know a good gynecologist. If you know what I mean. *winks* And he’s rich!

Amy: I mean when you’re filming you have to be transparent, Tre! *laughs*

Tre: Maybe down the line if things don’t work out with me & Mike, I can marry Dr. Elijah or Dr. Gunter and then we’ll see. Wouldn’t that be fun? *laughs*

Amy: Ooh chile *puts hands on mouth*.

Elyse: And we love Mike. You two make a beautiful couple. How’s the mommy life for you now?

Tre: Mommy life is great right now! My oldest son from my previous marriage is home for a bit right now so he’s helping out. I thought it would be hard but things are falling into place. It’s been wonderful.

Amy: Aw that’s so nice of him to do Tre.

Tre: *turns to Amy* You know he’s in the military so we don’t get to spend that much time together but I’m proud of him. *smiles*

Amy: Oh I see Tre *gets a bit emotional*

Elyse: As your daughter grows up, do you think you’ve done anything on any role play shows that you wouldn’t want her to see? Actions you wouldn’t want her to repeat? Because as we all know we have to set an example for our babies.

Tre: That’s a good question Elyse! I do. There’s some things that I’ve said or done that I probably shouldn’t have. I don’t regret them, but I look at it as a learning lesson. Everything is a lesson to learn and grow.

Amy: So true Tre. I honestly believe that we do things that eventually we learn lessons from them.

Elyse: Absolutely no regrets! That’s the way to live life baby. I wanted to ask, Married to Medicine Twitter has really set the precedence for how shows should be. What do you think separates them from the other shows currently on the air? LoT, RHOK and of course the bit of them all Real Housewives of Beverly Beach? Amy: What was it like filming M2MTWITTER? Was it anything like you imagined?

Amy (Host) & Elyse Sewell (Guest co-host) & Tre Spicé -Slovain ( Married toMedicine cast member)

Tre: You know what, filming Married to Medicine Twitter was different actually. *laughs* I don’t know how to describe it, but it was a very different experience in a good way. Maybe because I was pregnant and was in my own little bubble. *laughs* I think what sets the show apart from the others is they dive deep into the stories of the cast. They’re showcasing their life but for the doctors especially, they’re showing a different side that we don’t see. So they have to dig a little deeper and I think it works out well.

Elyse: *smiles* I agree. What do you think Amy? *glances at Amy*

Amy: Yeah I have to agree with you Elyse *smiles*. All of the shows are different in their own way. The cast makes a difference when they’re showcasing their real life and bringing storylines that people can resonate with. It makes a huge difference to the people watching at home.

Tre: Absolutely.

Elyse: *looks at Tre* What else is there for you Tre? As you walk away from this season, are you working on any other projects? What can we all expect from this sexy mama?

Tre: For starters, no more kids. That door is closed. *laughs* There’s nothing major really going on with me for once. I’m taking it all in with being a mother once again. We’ll see what the future holds for Ms. Spicé. I know that’s kinda of a letdown. *laughs*

Amy: Well …. your spicing this season of M2MTwitter Ms Spicè so… your doing a phenomenal job *smiles*. I personally really like you as you see the fakeness of others and call them out for it.

Tre: Some people like artificial things but I’m not one of them. *laughs*.

Elyse: *grabs breasts* Artificial? *laughs* Oh honey. Sometimes it’s a good thing! And you’re never a letdown. It’s clear the audience loves you and if we could watch you eat a buttered bagel that’s all we’d need. We support you in anything you do.

Tre: Thank you! Thank you! The upcoming episodes will be spicy that’s for sure! There’s a lot going on…

Elyse: *looks down at cue cards* And I think now we are going to play a game. *laughs* Amy, do you wanna explain what we’ll be doing?

Amy: Sure thing Elyse *winks*. So, Tre the game is this. We’ll be naming your cast members, and, in a sentence, you’ve got to say something good and rotten about them. Okay?

Tre: Ooooh! Okay! I’ll try to be nice. *smiles*Let’s go!

Amy: Here we go! So first up, Petra McClaire.

Elyse: *smiles and winks into the audience* I love her.

Tre: She’s very pretty and she has a good sense of style.

Amy: Her fashion sense is PHENOMENAL Tre !!.

Tre: Even if its fake…

Amy: Oohhh chile, not Petra! *tries not to laugh* The shade *laughs*

Elyse: *laughs* Now I believe it was said somewhere, something about her fashion line not being showcased anywhere. Is this true? Does she actually have real fashions that she sells?

Amy: Elyse going in hardball with these questions it seems hmm…*glares at Elyse*.

Tre: I don’t think I’ve heard that rumor before. If that is true, I hope she’s able to settle it because she truly is her best product and brand. True tea.

Elyse: Well she is gorgeous. I would know. *smiles and touches face* Next up, Courtney!

Amy: She’s also very pretty like Petra but sometimes natural beauty is better…

Elyse: Was there anyone this season that tolerated Courtney? Other than her gal pal Petra?

Tre: Probably the camera men. *laughs*

Elyse: *laughs and whispers into audience* She’s shady. *laughs* Speaking of shady, Jocelyn is up next! Tre: I love Jocelyn! She’s like the sister I never had and she’s very business minded.

Amy: In one of the episodes this season she was building another business. Have you been there or even seen the place?

Tre: To the winery? I haven’t been there physically, but I have gotten wine from there and I love it!

Elyse: Now I don’t think Jocelyn has shown anything besides her always trying to be snarky and read someone on the show. *rolls eyes* She’s not my favorite. But her cheekbones! *laughs* Do you think she will ever leave the show? Or does she need it?

Amy: *rolls eyes* I think to be honest with ya she likes the camera too much that it would be difficult for her to leave the show.

Tre: I think she does well with her platform on the show by showcasing her businesses. She’ll leave when she gets ready.

Elyse: Great answer. Great answer Tre. *smiles* Amy: Hmm… yeah. Next up Dr Tiffany.

Elyse: *lights up* I lover Dr. tiffany.

Amy: *looks at Tre*

Tre: The professor has arrived darling! I love Dr. Tiffany. She stands in her truth and I love that. Not many people can handle a classy and intelligent woman like her. Plus, she’s an amazing OBGYN. She was there with me during my pregnancy.

Amy: It shows that she’s been a good friend throughout your pregnancy *smiles*.

Elyse: Now Dr Tiffany is also a trans activist and that so important in today’s society. But what we want to know is, why is she always instigating drama with the cast? Doesn’t she have her own business to tend to? *laughs*

Amy: *Glances at Elyse* Yep I noticed that throughout the episodes. She just keeps inserting herself in situations that don’t concern her.

Tre: *laughs* Is she instigating or gathering information? *looks*

Elyse: Ok. I see someone has a great publicist. *laughs*

Amy: Up next, Pat!

Tre: Oh Miss Pat Miss Pat. She’s a character but she makes me laugh. We always have a good time together !

Elyse: Pat is great. She plays a great character on the show. But Tre, would you say that Pat does things just for the camera?

Tre: I would say sometimes but she plays the reality TV game well. *laughs*

Amy: Up next Dr Frankie. Love her so much by the way. *smiles*

Tre: I really didn’t film much with Dr. Frankie, but I think she’s great. For a doctor she’s sexy as hell!

Elyse: She is beautiful. And saying that? If you swam in the lady pool, could Dr Frankie get a taste?

Tre: I think Dr. Frankie is perfectly fine with Jackie and those shower rods. *laughs* I’ll let them use my sex dungeon if they’d like. *smiles*

Elyse: *laughs* Well let’s talk after the show about that. I may need to swing by and use it. *winks* And last but not least, Dr. Annabel.

Tre: Dr. Annabel is a complete dynamite! I love all that she represents and she’s honestly a genuine soul.

Amy: I really like her so much on the show. I’m hoping that as viewers will see her more. It’s like I know her, but I don’t at the same time, you get me. What do you think, Elyse?

Elyse: She is a tough cookie. Rumor has it though that later on in the season she may not be who’s she’s shown the ladies. Tre, what can you tell us about that? Do you think it’ll change the way the cast thinks of her?

Tre: Well, I will say this…what’s in the dark always come to the light.

Elyse: *puts cue cards down* So as you see!! *looks into audience* This is why M2M Twitter is the number 1 show! *laughs* Thank you Tre! We will definitely stay tuned in!! Right Amy?

Tre: And we film our reunion very, very soon. *winks*

Amy: Ooh definitely, I’ll be tuning in every Monday and Thursday watching Elyse. That’s gonna be one for the books I do say so myself. So, who do you think will be in the hot seat in this reunion?

Tre: Everyone! *laughs*

Amy: So, is there anything you’d like to tell my audience here and viewers at home Tre?

Tre: Be sure to watch Married to Medicine Twitter every Monday & Thursday to witness all the hype!

Amy: I’m surely gonna tune in for sure. Thank you so much Tre Spice for joining me and Elyse on GettingRealTea. It was our pleasure to interview you girl. That’s all for today’s episode. This is Amy and be sure to catch me on another episode of GettingRealTea next time!

Tre: Thank you for having me! *claps*

Camera pans out of studio as the ladies get up and hug each other.

Catch brand new episodes of Married to Medicine: Twitter every Monday and Thursday at 8/7c !!

Courtney Graham & Francesca Neal & Jocelyn Robinson & Pat Landry & Tiffany Rivers & Petra McClaire & Annabel Lennox



Getting The Real Tea
Getting The Real Tea

Written by Getting The Real Tea

Getting The Real Tea, is a role play interview show. Find us on Twitter @GettingTheRealTea! New episodes of Getting The Real Tea air Wednesday at 7pm CST!

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