[S1 Ep 8] Answering questions about The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Producer: 3,2,1 and we are live
*Camera shifts to Amy who is coming out of a sliding door with the name “GETTING REAL TEA” on it and walks to sit the armchair*
*Whilst Amy is walking the live audience is cheering and chanting “GETTING REAL TEA” and Amy seats down*
Amy: Hey you guys!!! *The audience cheering* welcome back to another episode of GETTING REAL TEA and I am your host, Amy!!! Today will be answering some of y’all questions regarding Real Housewives of Beverly Beach with the one and gorgeous Kasey Mitchell!!! Please welcome her to the studio !!
*The sliding door immediately opens seeing Kasey’s big smile on her face*
*She walks up to Amy and hug each other*
Kasey: Hey you guys *waves and smiles to the audience* how you doin …. *laughs* It is great to be back here again Amy!! It has been so long since I was in this seat with ya darling *giggles*.
Amy: Chile, please you were here last time *laughs* we were talking about the current season of Real Housewives of Beverly Beach !! Did ya forget love ?
Kasey: Oops, I forgot *bursts out laughing* well chile let’s get to another rundown on RHOBB!!! *Looks at Amy*
Amy: So, we asked y’all to send us your questions and myself and Kasey will respond to them. While chile… that is what will be doing TODAY …
Kasey: Oh… this is gonna be good *rubs hands together* let’s get to it shall we !!
Amy: Here we go Kasey!!! Our first question is from non-other than Dr Domininque Samuels, a former Married to Medicine Twitter cast member. She asked, “What is your season 4 dream cast of Beverly Beach?”. Ohhh… this is a juicy one, don’t y’all think
*camera shifts to the audience*
Kasey: I mean, let’s be real shall we chile… I would tots *smiles* bring back Ren Nicholos- Rose, Olivia J. Blake and …. of course, Lauren Barnes!! These women this season delivered really authentic storylines for the viewers to watch and tune in.
Amy: Yeah, I have to tots I agree with ya. The 3 OG’s of the show should be brought back for season 4 and let’s be real they WILL be. Production will offer them a good deal I am sure of it *winks*. Now onto to the newbies, who’d you think will be back?
Kasey: To be honest *arranges herself* I can only Elyse and Lorelei returning for season 4 ….
Amy: Oh snap *clicks finger* Why do you say that, Kasey?
Kasey: Well…. Elyse and Lorelei they are entertaining and interesting people for viewers to be intrigued by with. I mean, will they ever find mutual ground again to maybe be civil…
Amy: Who knows Kasey, only time will tell in that situation babe. Moving on to another question, from Dr Tiffany Rivers, the new cast member of M2M: Twitter season 5 wants to know “Who’s our favourite OG ?”. Hmm…
Kasey: Easy , my favourite OG is….. *suspense music playing in the background* Olivia J. Blake , she’s such a sweet heart and seeing her now engaged to Brandon. Both of them look so cute together, alas congratulations you too and your engagement !! Hoping Brandon’s and Olivia’s wedding to be shown on the show.
Amy: Well…. Mine are *suspense music playing in the background* Ren and Lauren. Both these women are strong and independent !! This season I felt that Lauren had made the right decision to leave Richard *claps* and Ren for being true to herself at the end of the season 2 finale by telling her friends that she and her husband Aaron are in a polygamous relationship !! You’ve got to have the strength within you to reveal something like that on a reality show . Kudos to Ren *smiles*.
Kasey: I do feel like that the OG’s of the show even though they fight they are a sisterhood… cause at the end that’s the most important thing. They might shade each other but they are there for each and ever situation that they got through in their life.
Amy : Will be taking a short commercial break y’all and be right back folks. So stay tune y’all !!! *winks*
*The camera then focuses on Amy and Kasey*
Amy: And we’re back you guys with Kasey Mitchell and we’re gonna continue responding to your questions.
Kasey: Sure we are *giggles* this is about to be good Amy !!
Amy: Another question from Dr Tiffany Rivers “ Do you think Lauren should be back on the show ?”. To be honest , 100% yes Dr Tiffany. Let’s be real she shows her marriage on the show and also in parts get vulnerable. That’s a YES from me *winks*.
Kasey: Hmm…. I will have to say I second that Amy. Her storylines since her debut on the show have really been authentic for viewers to watch. That’s another YES from me Dr Tiffany *smiles*
Amy: Another, question from Dr Tiffany Rivers is “Do you think Lorelei actually wants to be part of the group?” Now this is juicy and spicy question , Dr Tiffany Rivers …… -
Kasey: So, my opinion is this of Lorelei.. she’s so gorgeous and sexy… but, I feel like as a viewer I noticed that she really has to have a connection with you to open up. Regarding the group, I feel like she wants , to be part of the group but in certain moments she stays with her shield up cause she doesn’t know what’s gonna be thrown at the in the moment.
Amy : Yeah I have to agree with your opinion. I feel like if she’s brought back next season maybe she’ll interact more with the women and feel like she is part of a sisterhood… but who knows what’s gonna happen next season …
Amy : Let’s say half of the reason , cause obviously the other ladies chime in when there’s a heated conversation between the women.
Kasey : I mean….. to be honest all of the women brought it this season, I feel like I can’t point or say to one specific individual this season cause they all brought the HEAT this season !!!
Amy: On Thursday the women sat down with Andy and filmed the reunion episodes to hash out the drama of the season !! You know, I have a feeling that it’s goanna be phenomenal when the reunion airs. I’m sure there was drama…..
Kasey: Oh I’m pretty sure , Amy. These Beverly Beach women are feisty *laughs* will see when the reunion airs.
Amy: That’s all for today , thanks for joining me and Kasey for another episode. Make sure to give us your thoughts on the episode you guys and tune in for RHOBB every Mond, Wed and Fri for brand new episodes !!! Bye now *waves at the camera*
*The camera fades out of the GETTING REAL TEA studio*
Don’t forget new episodes of the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach are out on Monday , Wednesday and Friday !!!