[S1 Ep 22]Getting Real Tea with Alexandra Hawthorne

Getting The Real Tea
7 min readAug 30, 2021


Producer : In 5,4,3,2,1 and we are live !!

*Camera pans to Amy coming out of the sliding door*

*The audience cheers and claps with excitement

Amy : Hi, y’all,*smiles at the camera* and welcome back to another episode of Getting Real Tea. I’m your host, Amy Lopez, and today I’m joined by Alexandra Hawthorne from Connecticut Wives. Last Tuesday, the show premiered and started its season. There is so much going on this season already. Please give a warm welcome to Alexandra Hawthorne.

*The audience cheers whilst Alexandra comes out*

Amy Lopez (Host) & Alexandra Hawthorne (Guest)

Alexandra : *Walks out and waves at the audience before giving Amy a hug* Hey Amy! Thank you for having me, sweetie!

Amy : It’s a pleasure Alexandra. You’ll look absolutely stunning hunni *looks up and down* A real lady with amazing taste I might say *winks*.

Alexandra : *Smiles and sits down* Aw you’re too kind, sweetie! I always try & be a class act. Keyword… try *winks*

Amy : *Giggles* So Alexandra last Tuesday Connecticut Wives premiered. How are you feeling now that the season is being released ?

Alexandra : I’m excited! I’m excited everyone gets to see what we’ve been cooking up. *smiles* the reception from the viewers have been so good.

Amy : Oh yes it seems !! I mean all of you ladies bring something unique to the show. I’ve been waiting for the premiere since premiere day was announced. But it’s finally here and it’s totally phenomenal *winks*.

Alexandra : *nods* We definitely are a good bunch. Everyone brings something unique & does their part. I’m really happy with our cast. Personal feelings aside, I really like us as a group. *claps and looks at the audience*

Amy : Y’all are amazing Alexandra. I feel like every show is unique and the cast bring it every time *smiles*. So, let’s start by asking you how does it feel to let’s cameras follow your everyday life ? Was it for you maybe at first difficult until you got the hang of it or were you natural when the cameras went up ?

Alexandra : *Smiles and crosses my legs* Well, I mean it was different. Before joining this show, I lead a private, reserved life. I was just a housewife who donated & did tons of charity events. So going from that to being filmed 5–6 days out of the week was different *laughs*. No. I wouldn’t say it was difficult, per say. It was just an adjustment. After a while I would forget I was filming, which… I mean is authentic so some of my “not so finest” moments are captured *laughs*

Amy : Ooh I see *winks*. So it was a transition then for you , might you say Alexandra ?

Alexandra : Yeah, for a little bit.

Amy : I can surely understand from your perspective. Personally, I don’t know if I could ever be up to showcase my life on reality TV Alexandra. *Laughs*. But anyways, in the season premiere we saw you’re charity event. That went a bit south *eyes widen*when Margaux couldn’t find her seat. Now, do you think you could have left your feelings aside and placed Margaux with the other ladies table seated next to them ? *Looked directly at Alexandra*. Because the event was for charity at the end of the day.

Alexandra : *Laughs* I think you’d be fabulous on, Amy! Never say never *smiles* But, yes… the infamous #Chairgate I’ll admit, it was petty of me to do, absolutely. But… it was also disrespectful of Margaux to show up uninvited. Looking back, I could’ve just given her a chair & then spoken to her separately. *nods* I’ll own that.

Amy : Okay. I mean, I liked the drama in the premiere. It sure seemed like you ladies popped off from the start with drama *giggles*

Alexandra :*Nods* Yes! This group of women definitely don’t hold back. We’re all very opinionated & headstrong.

Amy : That’s absolutely true !! I mean *pauses* you don’t take a breather you Connecticut Wives do you ? *Laughs*. So, in the Charity event, we meet a young lady Ava Miller who attended your charity event. From my perspective it seemed that you didn’t get on well with her. What’s your take on it ? From the first time you met her.

Alexandra : *Rolls eyes & laughs* I didn’t really get a chance to talk to her honestly. The whole night was crazy & I mean… she seemed like a nice girl. *shrugs* That’s all I’ll say about that

Amy : O-okay then. Can you tease a bit your relationship with Ava in future episodes ? *Glances at Alexandra*

Alexandra : *Looks at her* You’ll have to stay tuned. *winks* If you haven’t been able to tell by now… I’ll give you a show *laughs*

Amy : *Makes face* Hmm.. interesting Alexandra. I’m really intrigued now !! Anyways, in episode 2 we see that Linda and Alexis came up with a plan for you and Margaux to hash out your problems. The dinner basically you think went okay. But then the final confessional of the episode changes everything. What’s your take on it ? I was completely shocked *makes face* I thought you’d both make up by the end of episode 2. Though, I was wrong *giggles*

Alexandra : *Laughs* I mean… as you can tell, I wasn’t receptive to her apology. Why? Because I know her. I’ve known her for over a decade. That final confessional honestly broke my heart. *frowns* It was evil.

Amy Lopez (Host) & Alexandra Hawthorne (Guest)

Amy : To be honest with you , me too !! I felt like their was going to be a resolution. But damn, it was all a show *makes face*. I was like “What the heck just happened”. I had to re-watch the episode quite a number of times. Too see what had lead to Margaux to say that at the end of the episode.

Alexandra : *Shakes head* Nothing lead her to say that. She is just an actress. I can’t tell with her anymore *laughs* You never know which Margaux you’ll get. She’s life‘s greatest mystery!

Amy : Oop *makes face*. Do you think that maybe y’all can ever be cordial in a formal setting ? Or is that out of the question ?

Alexandra : Look. Regardless of everything that has happened… Margaux has been in my life on & off for years. I don’t think I could ever fully close the door on her. You’ll just have to stay tuned to see *smiles* it keeps you invested!

Amy : It sure dose Alexandra. I mean I’m really hooked on to my TV to see what happens next. Tuesday’s are for Connecticut Wives days now !! *Winks*. What can you tease about your friends Keisha and Alexis on the show ?

Alexandra : I love them both! They’re both fabulous girls & really are pure hearted. All I can say is… keep an eye out on those ones. *smiles and winks*

*The audience ahhhs and ooohs*

Amy : Ooh *makes face* Will someone do something, Alexandra ? It seems your foreshadowing something that might happen later in the season *looks at Alexandra*.

Alexandra : *Shrugs* I- *smiles* Again… you’ll have to tune in. It was never a dull moment in the few months we filmed is all I can say. *nods* Keep the cable on.

Amy : Damn Alexandra, I’ll for sure tune in too see it all play out. So, we are going to play a game. It called “Who’s what”. I’ll read you a question from the cue card and you’ll just need to name one of your cast mates. Got it ?

Alexandra : *Nods* Okay, sure.

Amy : So, who is the most loyal ?

Alexandra : I think my answer is pretty obvious… Linda. *laughs*

Amy : *nods* It sure is, Alexandra. Who pretends to be your friend but at the end hurts you ?

Alexandra : *Laughs* I can’t answer that, you know that Amy!

Amy : *giggles* Yeah true. Who acts differently on and off camera ?

Alexandra : Honestly… I’m not sure

Amy : Ooh *makes face* okay. So, who has the best fashion ?

Alexandra : Alexis! *Laughs* She can dress, I will totally give her that.

Amy : Yeah, I like her style Alexandra *smiles*. Who needs help in the fashion department ?

Alexandra : Margaux *laughs* She has some wack a doodle costumes she puts on this season.

Amy : Is there any tea or gossip, Alexandra that you’d like to share with us ? *Glances at Alexandra*

Alexandra : Well, I’ll just say this without being too upfront. This season goes through a lot of changes. A lot of revelations & such. People you may like now, you may dislike by the end of the season. *laughs*

Amy : Oh my goodness *covers mouth*. Wow that’s a lot to take in Alexandra *shakes head*

Alexandra : *Laughs*

Amy : The Connecticut Wives are bring it and coming in hot in their first season !! Wow , I’m so excited for the rest of the season !!

Alexandra : *Claps* It’s going to be a good one!

Amy : It already seems like it, Alexandra *smiles*. So is there anything you’d like to share with the viewers that are watching the show ?

Alexandra : Stay tuned for a great season!

Amy : Thanks so much for joining us on an episode Alexandra. Can’t wait for the rest of the season. To the audience thanks so much for tuning in see you all on the next episode Don’t forget to catch brand new episode of Connecticut Wives tomorrow and also every Tuesday *waves to the camera*.

*Camera pans out of Studio as Amy and Alexandra take a selfie*



Getting The Real Tea
Getting The Real Tea

Written by Getting The Real Tea

Getting The Real Tea, is a role play interview show. Find us on Twitter @GettingTheRealTea! New episodes of Getting The Real Tea air Wednesday at 7pm CST!

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