[S1 Ep 14] Getting Real Tea with Amal Hadid ( New cast member of the ladies of Twitter)
*Camera pans on Amy coming out on the studio*
Amy : Hey you guys, it’s me Amy and welcome back to another episode of GettingRealTea. I hope ya’ll tuned in last night to watch the Ladies of Twitter premiere. It was fabulous y’all *smiles*. Today in the studio I’ve got Amal Hadid ‘friend of the ladies’. Give her a warm welcome.
*The audience starts to cheer and clap whilst Amal comes out*
Amal : *walks out onto the set and waves at the crowd before shuffling over to Amy* You look beautiful Amy!! Thank you so much for having me! *kisses Amy on the cheek*
Amy : Sure thing love. It’s great to finally meet you *smiles*. Last Friday was the season 13 premiere episode. And boy what an episode it was Amal, don’t you agree ? *looks at Amal*
Amal : It sure was! The ladies definitely hit the ground running *smirks*
Amy : I know right !! I’m really excited for this new season of Ladies of Twitter. So Amal, let us start with some burning questions …
Amal : Heat me up baby *laughs*.
Amy : Here we go. So what was your reaction to seeing Luciana starting of the premiere episode ? We also got to learn that her husband was murdered *sobs* that was actually a bit emotional to watch. To be honest Amal.
Amal : It was heartbreaking to watch. I can’t imagine experiencing such raw pain and then having to be on camera. What was more disturbing was seeing how some of these ladies kicked her while she was down. They were heartless beyond belief.
Amy : Hmm… honestly I got emotional during that part Amal. But she’s a strong woman Luciana. Moreover, your reaction to James wanting Kathy to relocate to New York City for his part time job ? I felt a bit well… upset at him during their scene to be honest.
Amal : I think when you’re married, you sometimes need to inconvenience yourself for your spouse. Let’s be honest here, Kathy isn’t running some multimillion dollar fashion empire. If she wanted to spend some additional time with her husband, she could but then she wouldn’t be on Ladies of TWITTER *emphasises the word Twitter* Some people will drag their marriage through the mud for a couple of minutes in the spotlight *shrugs*.
Amy : Ooh Amal *makes face*
Amal : *laughs* Am I lying? Fix your marriage before joining a show with millions of viewers.
Amy : Hmm… well your not lying Amal there love. But I do think that the viewers will relate to there situation. We also meet Rose, she’s a new lady of Twitter in the premiere episode. What is your opinion about her ? I really liked her on the show. Can’t wait to get to know her more on screen *smiles*.
Amal : Personally, I can wait for her to get more screen time. I don’t know about Rose. Obviously she and I have our issues but she’s another one who I’m not certain should’ve been on the show. She speaks about her engagements like she’s scoring points in a basketball game. Also those poor children who she shoved out of the house the moment they were out of diapers. *shakes head* My grandmother always said, ‘If a woman will abandon her babies, she’ll abandon you.’ That’s a little message to Elle & Kathy.
Amy : Damn Amal , your shady my darling *laughs*. I feel like we just go to know Rose a bit during the premiere episode, will see throughout the season. You mentioned you have some issues with Rose. What do you think led to them Amal from your prespective ?
Amal : Honestly, I’m not sure where it all started. She was very unwelcoming to me when I joined the ladies. I invited her to a beautiful event of mine and there was not even a response. Maybe she was threatened by me. I don’t need to take every little job or plaster my name on any product. I’m fine as I am
Amy :Ooh, so in your saying she was unwelcoming to you whilst filming. Got it. What did you think when Grace whispered something to Luciana about Elle’s husband during the luncheon ? Let me say NO ma’am that was not something you do *emphasis on No*
Amal : *busts out laughing* Honestly, I found it funny. Grace certainly enjoys her Pinot Grigio. *laughs* Was it right? Absolutely not and trust me when I tell you that little flame becomes a burning fire by seasons end.
Amy : Oh I can imagine. Let’s be honest that’s not something you do at an ‘Women’s empowerment luncheon’ I mean come on *looks directly at the camera*. It shows already that Grace wants to start some damn rumor regarding Elle’s husband that affects her family. Not cool Grace , not cool !!
Amal : I’ll say watching that scene was the first time I heard Grace talk about the rumour. I actually heard the rumour from another cast member.
Amy : *Gasps and screams* What Amal ? You’ve got to spill the tea now !! Your on Getting Real Tea …. come on .
Amal : *laughs* You’re going to have to watch it all unfold my darling. Stay tuned *winks and giggles*
Amy : I’ll be tuning in for sure Amal !! I mean *makes face* this is so…
Amal : Dramatic?! Trust me, it is *laughs*
Amy : Yep *jumps up* that’s the word Amal.
Amal : Great minds Miss Amy *laughs*
Amy : In your opinion that ending of the episode foreshadows what might happen later on in the season, don’t you think ?
Amal : Oh it gets wild. That last bit of the episode had me shocked and I LIVED IT!
Amy : Oh my *makes face* it’s gonna be a dramatic season ya’ll *looks at the camera*.
Amal : *nods in agreement*
Amy : Amal I know it’s really early to speak on it but who do you want to be back and who would you not want to return to season 14 of Ladies of Twitter ? *anxiously waiting for answer*
Amal : I think Rose definitely brings the least. She clearly joined the show in hopes of revamping her acting career and I think she did a great job. I’ve never in life met someone as inauthentic as she. A woman with many faces. She’s perfect for the acting world. Leave reality tv to those who show their real life not those who read from a script.
Amy : Ooh Chile *eyes widen*. It seems you don’t like Rose at all Amal. Hmmm…. interesting
Amal : That’s putting it mildly *smirks*
Amy : Oh chile please *makes face*. I mean your quite honest about it. So who’d you bring back for season 14 of Ladies of Twitter from this years cast ?
Amal : The rest of the ladies. There may be some friction between a few of the girls and I right now but that doesn’t mean I don’t recognise what they bring to the show. I think Elle, Kath, Grace, Luci & I should all be back. Rose for me is kind of like that big piece of broccoli in the fruit basket. It’s clear she doesn’t fit in
Amy : The shade in this early morning, chile *giggles*. Would you ever consider being full time if the producers ask you maybe for season 14 ?
Amal : Definitely! Despite all the drama, I actually really enjoyed this experience and I think I give the viewers the perfect little taste of Amal this season. I’d love to come back and give them the full Amal Hadid experience and trust me when I tell you it’s an experience *laughs*.
Amy : Oh I see okay , let hope that maybe next season you’ll be full time. Even though your a “friend of” what do you want viewers to take from you Amal from season 13 of Ladies of Twitter ?
Amal : I want the viewers to see that I truly have a big heart. I did not join the show with ulterior motives. In complete honesty, I didn’t even know what I was signing myself up for. I just showed up and was being authentically me. I may be a little blunt at times but that’s just me speaking my truth.
Amy : Aw that’s so nice of you to say to the audience *smiles*.
Amal : *smiles* see I can be sweet *laughs*.
Amy : Let’s play a small game called, “Describe your cast member” you just have to say one word that best describes the person, I’ll be mentioning, okay ?
Amal : Fabulous! Let’s play
Amy : First up we got, Grace …
Amal : Caring. When she loves you, she truly cares about you and your well-being.
Amy : Secondly, Elle Stonewood …
Amal : Fake.
Amy : Ooh my dear god *bursts out a laugh *
Amal : She and I had our moments but we ended the season good. I’ve seen her since and we’ve been fine but she’s been on interview after interview constantly blabbing about me. So in my mind, she’s fake *shrugs*
Amy : *Gasps* Thirdly, Rose …
Amal : Oh lord *rolls eyes* Just one word? Hmmm *pauses* unwell. I don’t think she’s all there Amy *points to brain*. I really don’t.
Amy : Oh my God *covers mouth with hands*. Fourthly, Luciana ..
Amal : Oh my Luci! She’s a sweetheart. Okay one word to describe Luci is hysterical. She’s one of the funniest women I’ve ever met and her sister Maria is fabulous.
Amy : Lastly Kathy…
Amal : Kathy is ummmmm she’s *pauses* okay. She and I bump heads this season but we are in a better place now. So I’d describe her as okay *laughs*
Amy : Well… I think you did great in describing your costars according to how you see them. Is there anything you’d like to say to my viewers?
Amal : Oh thank you Amy *laughs* that was tough *laughs* Well, I just want everyone to tune in. It’s a phenomenal season. It really is and I think the viewers will be entertained. There is a lot of drama but also a lot of belly laughs. We’re a funny group and I think the viewers will love that.
Amy : Thank you so much for accepting our invitation Amal. I wish you the best of luck on the rest of the season. Don’t forget to tune in for more episodes of Ladies of Twitter and there drama y’all !!! Bye now you guys.
*camera pans out of studio *