[ Season 1 Ep 6] Mid-season premiere: Thoughts on the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach season 3 !!
Producer: 3,2,1 and we are live !!!
*Camera shifts to Amy and guest*
Amy: Hi you guys , how are ya’ll doing ? It’s been a minute, I know that *laughs* but we are back now after a long hiatus *smiles*. We have loads to discuss since we were off air for quite some time. But now we are back and ready to get back with hot pipping tea *sips tea*.
*The audience cheers with loudness*
Amy: Ah I missed that feeling being back in the studio with y’all. Today I’ve got my first guest for the second half of the show. She’s new to Twitter but her style is impeccable please welcome Kasey Mitchell !!!
*The audience cheers for Kasey, she comes out and sits down*
Kasey: Hey you guys *starts waving at the audience* it’s great to be here today on the set of Getting Real Tea !!! It’s an honour actually *laughs* to have been invited by the hostess of the show.
Amy: Aw that’s so nice to hear you say that Kasey !! So shall we dive into what’s been happening ? *looks at Kasey*
Kasey: Sure thing *To amy* let’s get started .
Amy: So y’all know that The Real Housewives of Beverly beach has returned with it’s 3 season –
Kasey: * Interrupts Amy* Yes, I’ve been watching to all the episodes that have been released till now. Episode 8 is the last episode which was released this Friday !!!
Amy: Girl, these episodes are on fire, I mean this season has been literally like watching a soap opera but in a housewives style.
Kasey: Yeah *laughs* , I’ve got to agree with ya. These couple of episodes have been so damn good, I wish they just release all the episodes at once , cause the suspense is killing me girl *laughs*!!!
Amy: Yeah , I know what you mean hunni !! The show keeps on getting better each season. Let’s not forget the cast members which play a crucial part on the show.
Kasey: Sure thing, they are stars of RHOBB !!! Without them there wouldn’t be any drama or a juicy season like this.
Amy: I completely agree with ya… this season we saw the addition of 3 new wives…. Elyse Sewell, she’s very stylish…. Lorelei Sullivan, what a gorgeous and stunning women she is.
Kasey: Oh Amy , you forgot Dr Ashanti Adore, the educated woman of the show…. Hmm… this season they have 3 opinionated and gorgeous women on the cast. Thoughts Amy?
Amy: Well… to be honest I was really loving Elyse Sewell, she seems like a the life of the party to hang out with and she’s well… an honest women and says it how it is. Um… well Lorelei seems like the gorgeous and successful women and Ashanti Adore well… she’s an educated women.
Kasey: Spot on I’ve got to say, you’ve really well… described them perfectly… don’t forget the OG’s of RHOBB. There is Ren Nichols — Rose I’ve got to say here outfits are always impeccable…. Olivia J . Blake she’s a sweetheart with a big heart… her now fiancée they are the power couple of the show, they look cute together, hoping for a wedding soon Ms Blake. Finally, Lauren Barnes , she is having a bit of a tough season because of her husband’s infidelity.
Amy: I’ve to say but Lauren is a strong women and I firmly believe that she’ll find someone that loves her because she deserves the love.
Kasey: Yeah , I completely agree with your thoughts. A scene which I liked and touched my heart was Olivia being there for Lauren through her difficult moments on this current season.
Amy: Friends are there through tick and thin, and the viewers can notice that they are like sisters there for each other. However, the new wives as the season progress as a viewer you can notice that they do not click with the OG’s of the show.
Kasey: Yeah that’s true , I mean we got to remember that we are all different from each other. Not every person will click with another, and that is evident in these shows.
Amy: This years cast members are all opinionated women and that can be noticed in the shady confessionals Kasey !!
Kasey: that’s so clearly noticeable that these girls shade each other whilst in front of each other but also in their confessionals. I mean the viewers like women which are shady hmm….. I mean that’s what housewives shows are all about for drama and well…
Amy: *Interrupts Kasey* Shady my love and they absolutely do that in every episode of the show Kasey. I mean without that drama would not ignite.
Kasey: On another note also, another scene that really melted my heart was between Elyse Sewell and Jonah her brother. Talking about the Trans community, we need more opportunities like these on reality Tv. My heart was really touched by their conversation, seeing how Elyse will do anything for her brother Jonah.
Amy: I completely agree with you we need more activism like Elyse Sewell is doing for the trans community on the show. These are things that as a society we should be making more people aware !! Elyse Sewell you’ve been doing a wonderful job on being an advocate to the Trans community on the show, keep up the good work you’ve been doing.
Kasey: On that note Amy, bringing these conversations onto a reality show is really empowering to see. I really am a big fan of Elyse and Jonah’s relationship on RHOBB , it shows that she loves and accepts Jonah for who he is.
Amy: You’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head with what you said Kasey !!
Kasey : Thanks for having me Amy , it was a pleasure !!!
Amy: It was a pleasure having you hear Kasey. Thanks so much for tuning in for another episode of Getting Real Tea be sure to tell us your thoughts on RHOBB current season till next time, arrivederici everyone.
*throws a kiss to the camera*
New episodes of the Real housewives of Beverly Beach come out on Monday’s and Wednesday’s so check out their Twitter page @RHOBeverlyBeach !!