[Season 1 Ep 1] Interview with Patricia Landry Part 1
Hey y’all welcome to the first ever interview by Getting Real with the Gossip. I am your host Amy and I would like to introduce my first guest today. You might know her from Married to Medicine : Twitter. She a blonde bombshell who likes to wear beautiful and designer clothes. Please welcome Patricia Landry.
*Patricia sits down*
Patricia: Hi Amy thanks so much for the invite girl. I am so honored to be your first guest on Getting Real with the Gossip.
Amy: Well, sure girl , I am so excited to start the interview.
Patricia: Same goes girl, I feel like I’m doing an exam *laughs*
Amy: Well, this isn’t an exam but you will have to answer some burning questions about the show and well everything that happens.
Patricia: Right on girl, lets start.
Amy: So my first question is this ‘ how did you get chosen to be part of Married to Medicine Twitter in season 1 ? Where you approached from someone or did production find you ?
Patricia: So I actually started the show with Tanya, We met after attempting to do another show and thought It would be better if we did something on our own. We didn’t expect it to be as popular as it has become though. We are so grateful.
Amy : I have to agree with you here Patricia. I mean season 4 was the best season if you can say that. For you Patricia which season was the best and hardest to film and why ?
Patricia: I think we have gotten better season after season. Season 3 has been my favorite season though. In terms for me Season 2 was definitely the hardest. I had issues with basically everyone. Season 3 was much better. Season 4 was good for me too but it was difficult to watch back. It was a rough season.
Amy: I have to say that season 3 from my perspective was kind of difficult on certain cast members , do you agree and why ?
Patricia: Yeah, I mean it was rough but I thought as a season it’s was enjoyable. Angela and Makayla definitely went through it though.
Amy: Yes I agree with you. It was unfortunate for Angela to go through what she did in season 3. Okay moreover, now that season 4 has ended and you’ve also had the reunion episodes how is your relationship with the other women ?
Patricia: I am in a good place with everyone mostly. Angela and I talk almost everyday, I talk to Frankie and Jocelyn almost every week. I haven’t talked to Tanya or Annika but I wish them both well.
Amy: Oh okay it seems your own good terms with everyone. That’s great to hear. *smiles* Now, may I ask what’s your relationship now with Tom’s stepdaughter Kara, as in season 4 there was tension between you two , I noticed ?
Patricia: Kara and I are cool. I announced at the reunion that Tom and I decided to separate but we are in a great place.
Amy : oh yes sorry again to hear again that you’ll be separating from Tom. Anyways, some of your cast members announced that they would not be returning for season 5 of Married to Medicine Twitter such as Annika, Tanya and Kara and Jazmine , whats your reaction to their departure ?
Patricia: So a couple things. Annika probably deserved to be fired due to her comments on twitter. I think production and her came to a mutual agreement that it was time to go. Tanya’s time was also up, after season 2 it was hard for the group to want to be around her. She was always on an apology tour, it was a lot. Jazmine had a great season but the reunion was ridiculous. She was coming at everyone for no reason. We can’t move on with someone that does that. Finally, Kara I think could of continued but because of her allegiance to Annika, I think it would have been difficult for the group to accept her.
Amy: I have to agree with you. However, I didn’t think Annika was fired from the show , I thought she left the show ? That’s what I understood from her tweet she posted on her Twitter page.
Patricia: Yeah I don’t think she was fired either, I just think it was a mutual decision she wouldn’t be asked back.
Amy: oh okay. Moving forward in your opinion having being on the show since season 1 do you feel like you and the ladies have gotten a fair edit on the show ?
Patricia: Yes, nothing is edited down. We show off everything!
Amy: So, do you see yourself ever leaving the show at some point in your life ?
Patricia: Of course. This isn’t forever, of course there are more things I’d like to do. I think I have a couple more seasons in me. I do think that when it’s my time, I’ll know. Sometimes people overstay their welcome and the show gets boring. Not sure how people end up on shows for 12–20 seasons. It’s the same storylines… move on!
Amy: I completely agree with you Patricia.
*Interview part 1 ends *