[ Season 1 Ep 3] Getting Real Tea with Dr Annika Niloufar a former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Getting The Real Tea
10 min readApr 1, 2021


Studio set
Amy (Host) and Dr Annika Niloufar a former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Camera shifts to Amy .

Producer: 3, 2, 1 and we are live !!

Amy: Hey y’all welcome back to GettingRealTea, another episode. Can’t believe it that we’re on episode 5, this is really unbelievable *gasp*. Today with me I’ve got another guest who has been on Married 2 Medicine Twitter, season 4. I’d like to give a warm welcome to Dr Annika Niloufar. So, Hey Dr Annika, how you doing girl ?

Annika: Hello! I’m doing fabulous, thank you so much for having me!

Amy : Yes sure, girl our outfit is on point !!! Love it

Annika : Look whose talking! I love yours *winks*

Amy : Oh girl , you know me to well *winks* . So let’s start with some questions Dr Annika .

Annika: Yes *smiles*

Amy : Then girl let’s start with those questions *winks*. The first question is how did you get approached to do season 4 of M2M : Twitter , girl ?

Dr Annika Niloufar former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Annika : I had heard through the grapevine vine that they were looking for fresh faces, someone young, beautiful and diverse for season 4. Being a plastic surgeon, women’s empowerment guru, philanthropist and one of the few Persian women, I auditioned and they loved me and thought I’d be a great addition to the show.

Amy : Ah that’s great to hear, Annika. So where you nerves filming for the first time ? I mean since you where new to the show

Annika : — kind of. Being on a reality show there’s a whole other world behind the scenes, more than what you see on camera. I was excited meet the woman until all of the drama behind the scene started happening before the show even began filming. Honestly some of my cast members where instantly threatened by me before they even got a chance to meet me and when filming did began there was already tension…which made it harder to get to know the girls in a real way.

Amy : Ah okay I see. Do you think that when they first met you they instantly judged you Annika before getting to know the real you ?

Amy ( Host)
Dr Annika Niloufar former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Annika : Absolutely! I admit I had my guard up 90% of the time and felt I had to defend myself constantly because they judged me. On camera I was definitely a lot more of a *air quotes* mean girl because I had to be, otherwise they would have eaten me alive *laughs*.

Amy : I mean I understand your point of view, but you were kinda being well… a bit more open in your confessionals then when you where with them. Meaning that you shaded them and said things in confessionals that you didn’t have the ‘guts’ to say it to their faces Annika. But from the viewers perspective it’s like you were more comfortable during your confessionals rather than when you where physically there with them *looks directly at Annika*You have to admit you were kinda harsh in your confessionals girl , then when you where talking to them. I call it Annika how I see it , that’s what I saw from the viewers point of view.

Annika: No. I definitely let them know how I felt in person but when you have 4 to 5 girls ready to jump down your throat at any moment, which happened A LOT during filming…it’s a little hard to speak up. Also I’m not ratchet and going to make a complete fool of myself in public. Some of the woman had nothing to lose but as someone with class, I wasn’t going to go into a yelling match with 5 women in public.

Amy : Yes, I agree with you sometimes we have to voice our opinions but you have to admit it that you where shading them in confessionals girl. That’s the truth, live with it.

Annika : Some call it shade, I call it honest.

Amy: Well dear here it’s called accepting the truth *sighs*

Annika : Sure Amy! Next question.

Amy ( Host)

Amy: Anyways let’s move on , your husband Hassan from my perspective he seems like a wonderful husband. But, I felt like he doesn’t acknowledge the fact that women have the ability to work , can you comment on that ? His perspective is just being at home and for you to take care of the child…. um hello I know it has to do with Religion but I think he needs to also remember that times have changed, they aren’t like they where in the past.

Dr Annika Niloufar former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Annika : Hassan watching the show back realized a lot of things about the struggles that women go through. Now, he has a totally different perspective and thinks that women should have the right to do what makes them happy. He’s educated himself a lot and has grown. I couldn’t be more proud of him.

Amy : Ah okay, for that I applaud your husband *Claps*. Do you think watching yourself on tv , there were moments like “I wish I hadn’t done or said that “ in season 4 or you don’t regret anything Annika ?

Annika : To be honest, Amy…absolutely I made some comments about my cast members appearance without thinking about it meant and the significance it holds in today’s climate and I deeply regret those comments and the way I handled the situation. I apologized profusely but I don’t think it came off of as genuine because I always felt under attack.

Amy : Ah ok, do you think that editing had anything to do with that ?

Annika : If I could go back in time, I would have met with the women one on one that I hurt and had a genuine conversation. When there is a big group involved talking to one person, naturally your defenses come up and I fell victim to that.

Amy : I feel like you are being genuine and honest and I applaud you Annika , really.

Annika : I don’t feel like editing was necessary on my side in any capacity but it’s a reality show. So I mean *shrugs* of course. Thank you.

Amy (Host)
Dr Annika Niloufar former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Amy : Regarding the tweets that you sent on Twitter, A) What lead you to do that ? B) was there something behind the scenes that happened that we the viewers didn’t get to see on the show ?

Annika : You guys the drama behind the scene in the production chat was insane! It was 10x worse than what’s happens when we were in person. Angela was attacking my looks, my hair, my weight, saying I had lice. I was trying to shade her makeup which as fans have said time and time again that it looks dusty and I ended up using the wrong words in my twitter rant. In the show I look like I’m just starting sh*t and shading these girls bts i was constantly being dragged *laughs*

Amy : Oh !!

Annika : The only ones who were nice to me were Tanya, Kara and Pat.

Amy : Yes as a viewer those 3 women were really kind and nice to you. Would you ever return to Married 2 Medicine : Twitter ?

Annika : I’m open to having my own show or even returning to M2M one day as a guest or friend, Despite what was shown in my first season as FT cast member…I’ve grown tremendously and would love for my fans to see me again in a different light.

Amy ( Host)

Amy : Oh okay , I mean that would be great, Annika. Would you consider a housewives show like RHOBB or Ladies of Twitter ?

Annika : I love watching those ladies, especially my babes Olivia, Lauren and Ren on BB but I don’t know *laugh* it would have to feel right.

Amy : oh okay, but I feel maybe you can be a friend of one of your friends and then you’ll see where it goes, I mean who knows *raises hands*. Also, regarding the show did you really leave on your own accord or did production fire you ? As I am quite confused to tell you the truth . I am asking as the people wanna know Dr Annika and with this show I have to give my followers the tea *winks*.

Annika : I don’t know if should be saying this but…there was an ultimatum, some of the women on the cast specifically Angela and Jocelyn…maybe even Frankie, refused to film the show if I was brought back another season. Season 4 has the highest ratings and I was the cast member fans hated to love but I think with Tanya leaving, Pat stabbing me in the back and other women threatening to quit…it didn’t make sense to have me back at this time.

Amy : So your telling my viewers that because a few women refused to film the show if you were brought back another season , am I understanding correctly Annika ? As the ‘Other women threating to quit’ who was gonna quit ?

Annika : Yes, if you watch the reunion, Angela blatantly said she would not do the show anymore i was brought back. Jocelyn and Frankie have said it before as well.

Amy : *Shocked*

Annika : *sips water* mhmm

Amy : What in the actual hell ? *Gasping* Y’all I might need a five minute break *sips water*

Annika : *laughs*

Amy ( Host)

Amy : So they threatened production that they would not film and production choose to not renew your contract is what your saying ? Oh snap ….. this just keeps getting in deep y’all !!!

Annika : That’s the tea honey !!

Amy : OH MY GOD you heard it here folks on Getting Real Tea !!

Annika : But you know what Amy, season 4 was crazy and I needed a break to just get back to myself and my daughter. So it worked it out. I still wish the show well.

Amy : Oh okay Annika. Is there anything you’d want to add Annika regarding this matter ?

Dr Annika Niloufar former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Annika : I have a lot of respect for the majority of the women on the show, I think Frankie is so fun and beautiful, I see Jocelyn thriving and happy and I’m hoping that things are going well for Pat with the divorce and that she’s in a better place. When it comes to Kara and Tanya, those are my sisters and I love them. I do want to see the show continue to well with or without me.

Amy : Aw that’s really sweet of you to say. Any advice for the new cast mates for season 5 that you can give them Annika ?

Amy ( Host)
Dr Annika Niloufar former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Annika : To the new cast members, be careful who you trust. Watch what you say, you have millions of viewers watchin and most importantly stay true to yourself and don’t back down. If any of the new cast members need any advice my Plastic surgery practice is now opened and you can feel free to stop by anytime *winks*.

Amy : Wow, that’s amazing advice whilst also bringing in customers *winks*.

Annika : Exactly !

Amy : Well any last words Annika to your followers on Twitter ?

Dr Annika Niloufar former cast member of Married 2 Medicine : Twitter

Annika : Thank you all of my fans for your support and you haven’t seen the last of Dr. Annika! *stands up and hugs Amy*. Thank you so much for having me hunni.

Amy : Well , thank you so much Annika for accepting my invitation girl. I feel like I got to know you more than just a cast member on M2M Twitter but as a human being with a big heart. Thanks so much for sharing everything with Getting Real Tea it was a pleasure having you here. Nonetheless, if you want to stop by anytime to reveal some hot pipping tea your more than welcome. Thank you so much to everyone that tuned in tonight. I am so grateful for these wonderful interviews that I’ve been doing. Tell us your thoughts on this episode and also what and whom you’d like to see on future episodes till then , bye guys.

*Stands up and hugs Dr Annika*

*Interview Ends *



Getting The Real Tea
Getting The Real Tea

Written by Getting The Real Tea

Getting The Real Tea, is a role play interview show. Find us on Twitter @GettingTheRealTea! New episodes of Getting The Real Tea air Wednesday at 7pm CST!

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